Raspberry seedling grade Cascade Delight

Recommended for this product:

OMK Farm for seedlings

Variety: non-repairable, high maturation, medium early, frost-resistant

Fruits: 6-8 gr, sweet taste, bright red berries

Height: from 1.5-2 meters

Growing conditions: Siberia, Urals, Moscow region, Southern regions 

Yield: 4-5 kg

Shipping and pickup: бронирование на сентябрь/октябрь 2022 года
Ripening period Mid-early variety
fruit size Large-fruited varieties
Productivity: high
Selection USA
planting material Raspberry

Despite the name – Cascade, forms upright shoots that are literally strewn with cascades of berries. Their taste is considered a reference – tasting evaluation – 4.8 out of 5 possible.

The yield of one plant is up to 4 kg. The ripening period of berries is medium early, the end of June — early July. Berry picking lasts an average of three weeks. Very large fruits, up to 8.5 grams, bright red. After picking, the berry does not darken, it breaks quite easily.

The shoots of the plant are high, from 1.6 to 2.5 meters, slightly studded. Large leaves well cover the berries from the sun. High resistance to root rot and various fungi. Meanwhile, it weakly resists dwarfism and mosaic viruses. This circumstance significantly hinders the progress of“Cascade” into amateur gardening.

  • very significant yield;
  • stability of harvested berries during transportation;
  • high resistance to rot and fungi;
  • Grows well even in hot weather, drought tolerance. But very responsive to watering.

Planting:  In the gardens, plants are planted 1-1.5 meters apart, the row spacing is at least 2 meters. When planting, the soil around the plant is not strongly compacted, but lightly pressed down with hands. Very well watered, at least 10-15 liters of water per seedling. Then it is recommended to mulch the ground under the bushes with dry leaves or peat.

Irrigation: The variety is considered drought-resistant, but with insufficient moisture, the quality of the berries deteriorates. They grow small, sour, the plant is difficult to grow. It is necessary to carry out moderate watering, mulch the soil to preserve moisture, carry out regular loosening, but to a depth of no more than 10 cm, so as not to damage the root system of the plant.


  • spring pruning consists in removing dry, damaged shoots, as well as shortening by 10-15 cm all shoots that form a bush;
  • in autumn, the bushes must be cut to a shoot height of 1 m. All fruiting shoots are removed.
  • In order for the bush to form lateral shoots well, it is recommended to pinch the plant in summer. The procedure is performed when the plant reaches a height of about 1 m.

Preparing for winter: The need for shelter arises in winters with little snow. The variety was tested in conditions with mild winters, but under a thick layer of snow, the plant is not afraid of severe frosts.


Phase Operation Biopreparations Comment
Pre-plant tillage Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Fight against overwintering forms of pathogens
30-100 g/20 l of water per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Pecilomycin RM116 wireworms. Soil pest control: larvae and adults of the May beetle, wireworm, mole cricket, etc.
100-150 g / 1 weave is applied by spreading
top dressing SBT-Ekosoil Stimulation of biological activity
50 g per 20 l of water / 1 weave
Organic fertilizer "TOR" Main application in April
Proportion 1:20
root formation Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases.
Soaking the roots of seedlings 60 g/10 l for 50 pcs
SBT-Fitolek BS26 Soaking the roots of seedlings
Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases
60 g/10 l for 50 pcs. seedlings
top dressing SBT-Biocomplex Amino Root soaking of seedlings
30 ml/10 l for 50 pcs
vegetation Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, phomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tubercularia
40 g/10 l per 100 m2
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of the development of root rot
Treatment in the phase of bud break 60-80 g per 1 weave, with a total water consumption of 30 - 50 l / per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Entolek Aphid. Pest control mites, weevil, aphids, flower beetles, moths, moths, leafworms.
Treatment during bud break
60–80 ml/10 l of water per 100 m2
top dressing YaraTera Calcinit / Calcinitis Spring growing season around May 1st to May 14th
Use of fertilizers by fertigation method - 8 kg/ha per week (5000 plants/ha)
YaraTera Kristalon 17-6-18 Blue Spring growing season around May 1st to May 14th
Use of fertilizers by fertigation method - 12 kg/ha per week (5000 plants/ha)
SBT-Ekosoil Stimulation of the development of the root system. improved provision of plants with nutrients
80–100 g per 1 hectare
With a total water consumption of 30–50 l/1 hectare
Bloom Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Processing in the budding phase
Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, fomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tuberculariasis
40 g / 10 l per 1 weave
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of late blight, powdery mildew, root rot, gray mold, leaf spot
40 g/10 l per 100 m2
top dressing YaraTera Calcinit / Calcinitis Flowering - before harvest from about 15 June to 30 July
Use of fertilization by fertigation - 15 kg/ha per week (5000 plants/ha)
SBT-Biocomplex Amino Stimulation of plant growth. Improvement of photosynthetic activity
20–30 ml/10 l per 1 hectare
YaraTera Kristalon 12-12-36 Red Flowering - before harvest around 15 June to 30 July
Fertigation application - 25 kg/ha per week (5000 plants/ha)
Fruiting Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, phomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tubercularia
During the period of fruit formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days 5 days before the start of harvesting 40 g / 10 l per 1 hundred square meters
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 During the period of berry formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days
60 g/10 l per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Entolek Ticks. Pest control mites, weevil, aphids, flower beetles, moths, moths, leafworms.
Treatment of plants during the formation of berries (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days
80–100 ml / 10 l of water per 1 weaving
top dressing SBT-Biocomplex Amino During the period of berry formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days
20–30 ml/10 l per 1 hectare
After harvest Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Autumn processing
Reducing the stock of overwintering forms of pathogens
spraying 120 g per 10–15 liters per 1 weave
top dressing YaraTera Kristalon 12-12-36 Red End of harvest - after fruiting around August 1st (about 4 weeks)

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