OMK Farm for seedlings

Volume: 500 ml, 2 l.

Planting material: seedlings, seedlings, cuttings, etc.

Type: organo-mineral complex

Purpose: root top dressing

View: liquid concentrate

Production: Russia

Growing method The soil, Substrates
Phase root formation
Application Root top dressing, spraying
Producing country Russia

OMK Ferma for seedlings – universal organomineral complex for the successful rooting of seedlings, cuttings and offspring: vegetables, fruit and berry crops, fruit and ornamental trees, conifers, flowers and houseplants, etc.

It is used when planting seedlings in a permanent place, root feeding during the period of their rooting.

Composition: 150 – macro-, microelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, cadmium, etc.); humic and fulvic acids; phytohormones (growth regulators); soil nitrogen-fixing and rhizospheric bacteria.

Complex action:

  • The rooting process of plants is accelerated.
  • A strong root system develops.
  • Damaged roots are restored.
  • Plants adapt and acclimatize better in a new place.
  • The resistance of seedlings to adverse factors, temperature changes, humidity, etc. increases
  • The soil on the site is enriched with nutrients, its natural health and fertility are restored.

Application scheme

Preparation of the solution. Before using OMK "Ferma" diluted with water in the proportion: 200 mg of concentrate per 10 liters of water. The use of top dressing in a concentrated form is prohibited.

Feeding seedlings. On the day of transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, the soil around them is abundantly spilled with water, followed by watering with a pre-prepared OMC solution. Under each bush pour 200-300 grams of diluted "Farm". If necessary, the soil is mulched.

If on the day of planting you did not have the opportunity to fertilize OMK seedlings, this can be done on the following days according to the same scheme.