Raspberry seedling grade Hercules
Variety: remontant
Ripening period: medium, stretched
Fruits: 7-15 gr., ruby
Yield: up to 10 kg/plant, 92 c/ha
Breeding: Russia
Shipping and pickup: | май 2022 |
Ripening period | Repair grade |
fruit size | Large-fruited varieties |
Productivity: | high |
Selection | Russia |
planting material | Raspberry |
The raspberry variety Hercules was bred by Russian breeders I. Kazakov and S. Evdokimenko, employees of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution of the Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture (Moscow). In 2004, the variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation with permission to grow on the basis of private farms in the Central and Central Black Earth regions.
Variety advantages: two harvest waves, mid-late fruiting until frost, large tasty berries.
Variety Features
Planthigh, 1.5-2 m., slightly sprawling, gives 5-6 shoots. The branches are powerful, straight, do not bend under the weight of the berries. Thorns are hard, present along the length of the entire stem. The foliage is large, slightly wrinkled, slightly curled. The flowers are white, medium in size.
Fruitsobtuse, large. The average weight of berries is 7 grams, the maximum – 10-15. The skin of ripe raspberries is ruby in color, matte with a little pronounced fluff. The pulp is juicy, fragrant. The taste of raspberry contains sourness, which not all gardeners like. Tasting assessment – 4 points out of 5.
Purpose: the variety is suitable for fresh consumption, canning. "Hercules" tolerates transportation well, has an attractive presentation, so it is profitable to grow it for sale.
The yield of the Hercules variety is high, even with minimal care, and subject to agricultural practices, up to 10 kg of berries per season are harvested from the bush, and up to 92 q. per hectare. The maturation period is medium extended: the first ripe berries appear in mid-July, the second wave of harvest occurs in August-September. Berries ripen until the first frost. And even with the departure into winter, unripe fruits may remain on the branches.
Immunity. Inherent raspberry diseases and pests "Hercules" is rarely affected. Spring preventive treatment will protect the plant from the possibility of their appearance.
Growing conditions. Raspberry Hercules is unpretentious in care. The culture gives a full-fledged raspberry crop even with minimal time and effort.
The variety is recommended for two-year cultivation in milder climates. In regions with frosty and little snowy winters, the aerial part of the plant is mowed before wintering.
Beware of fakes and contaminated planting material. Buy Hercules raspberry seedlings from nurseries and specialized stores.
Phase | Operation | Biopreparations | Comment |
Pre-plant tillage | Disease treatment | SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | Fight against overwintering forms of pathogens 30-100 g/20 l of water per 1 weave |
Pest control | SBT-Pecilomycin RM116 | wireworms. Soil pest control: larvae and adults of the May beetle, wireworm, mole cricket, etc. 100-150 g / 1 weave is applied by spreading |
top dressing | SBT-Ekosoil | Stimulation of biological activity 50 g per 20 l of water / 1 weave |
Organic fertilizer "TOR" | Main application in April Proportion 1:20 |
root formation | Disease treatment | SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases. Soaking the roots of seedlings 60 g/10 l for 50 pcs |
SBT-Fitolek BS26 | Soaking the roots of seedlings Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases 60 g/10 l for 50 pcs. seedlings |
top dressing | SBT-Biocomplex Amino | Root soaking of seedlings 30 ml/10 l for 50 pcs |
vegetation | Disease treatment | SBT-Fitolek BS26 | Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, phomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tubercularia 40 g/10 l per 100 m2 |
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | Prevention of the development of root rot Treatment in the phase of bud break 60-80 g per 1 weave, with a total water consumption of 30 - 50 l / per 1 weave |
Pest control | SBT-Entolek | Aphid. Pest control mites, weevil, aphids, flower beetles, moths, moths, leafworms. Treatment during bud break 60–80 ml/10 l of water per 100 m2 |
top dressing | YaraTera Calcinit / Calcinitis | Spring growing season around May 1st to May 14th Use of fertilizers by fertigation method - 8 kg/ha per week (5000 plants/ha) |
YaraTera Kristalon 17-6-18 Blue | Spring growing season around May 1st to May 14th Use of fertilizers by fertigation method - 12 kg/ha per week (5000 plants/ha) |
SBT-Ekosoil | Stimulation of the development of the root system. improved provision of plants with nutrients 80–100 g per 1 hectare With a total water consumption of 30–50 l/1 hectare |
Bloom | Disease treatment | SBT-Fitolek BS26 | Processing in the budding phase Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, fomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tuberculariasis 40 g / 10 l per 1 weave |
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | Prevention of late blight, powdery mildew, root rot, gray mold, leaf spot 40 g/10 l per 100 m2 |
top dressing | YaraTera Calcinit / Calcinitis | Flowering - before harvest from about 15 June to 30 July Use of fertilization by fertigation - 15 kg/ha per week (5000 plants/ha) |
SBT-Biocomplex Amino | Stimulation of plant growth. Improvement of photosynthetic activity 20–30 ml/10 l per 1 hectare |
YaraTera Kristalon 12-12-36 Red | Flowering - before harvest around 15 June to 30 July Fertigation application - 25 kg/ha per week (5000 plants/ha) |
Fruiting | Disease treatment | SBT-Fitolek BS26 | Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, phomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tubercularia During the period of fruit formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days 5 days before the start of harvesting 40 g / 10 l per 1 hundred square meters |
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | During the period of berry formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days 60 g/10 l per 1 weave |
Pest control | SBT-Entolek | Ticks. Pest control mites, weevil, aphids, flower beetles, moths, moths, leafworms. Treatment of plants during the formation of berries (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days 80–100 ml / 10 l of water per 1 weaving |
top dressing | SBT-Biocomplex Amino | During the period of berry formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days 20–30 ml/10 l per 1 hectare |
After harvest | Disease treatment | SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | Autumn processing Reducing the stock of overwintering forms of pathogens spraying 120 g per 10–15 liters per 1 weave |
top dressing | YaraTera Kristalon 12-12-36 Red | End of harvest - after fruiting around August 1st (about 4 weeks) |