Strawberries frigo (ground strawberry) Merchant

Recommended for this product:

Organo-mineral complex for berries

Species: non-repairable, mid-season, perennial

Fruits: ruby, sweet-sour, 10-25 gr., length 3-4 cm.

Yield: up to 1 kg per bush

Fruiting: mid-June and later

Growing conditions: all regions of the Russian Federation

Selection:  Russia, Bryansk

Вес плодов, г
0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Урожайность с куста, кг
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Жизненный цикл, лет
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Shipping and pickup:
The weight 1
Ripening period Mid-season variety
fruit size Traditional varieties
Productivity: Medium
Selection Russia
planting material Strawberry

Strawberry "Kupchikha" – a hybrid of wild strawberries and strawberries, which in its appearance and taste resembles both berries at once. For which he was nicknamed "zemklunik".

The variety was bred in 2014 by breeder S.D. Aitdzhanova (Bryansk). Leaves of the real "Merchant" are distinguished by strong ribbing and wrinkling, the petioles of the leaves are long, the villi are slightly lowered.  The variety blooms profusely – up to 15 powerful peduncles with a dozen bisexual flowers on each. Mustache — dark red.


  • "Merchant" it is absolutely unpretentious and perfectly acclimatizes, therefore, on the territory of Russia, it can be planted literally everywhere. It tolerates cold well down to -24 ° C, it is enough to provide it with a little shelter. In regions with severe frosts, it is better to grow the berry in heated greenhouses. Strawberries can easily grow in the shade, but will give the best harvest in a sunny area, and its berries will have a sweeter taste.
  • Merchant's Berries medium size – 10-25 gr., with a length of 3-4 cm. The largest fruits can reach – 50 gr. and length 6-7 cm. Fruit color is rather dark – ruby, sometimes almost purple. Taste of berries – sweet-sour, well balanced, with hints of nutmeg. Aroma – spicy strawberry.  Tasting assessment — 5 points out of 5.
  • Strawberries begin to bear fruit from mid-June and later, the timing depends on the area of cultivation. The higher the average annual temperature in the region, the higher the yield. From one bush with amateur care, on average, from 0.3-0.4 kg is removed, with professional agricultural technology from 0.5-0.8 kg.
  • Pulp «Merchant» juicy, while the skin is dense and elastic, which allows you to successfully store and transport the berry.

The best "Merchant" feels on light fertile soil, loam or sandstone is suitable, soil acidity – weak. Before planting, the soil can be enriched with organic and mineral additives.  After the 4th season, the long-term «Merchant» needs a transplant. Infections and pests have time to accumulate in the soil, the plant will begin to hurt. But the variety gives the maximum yield in the 3rd season.


Phase Operation Biopreparations Comment
Pre-plant tillage Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Fight against overwintering forms of pathogens
30-100 g/20 l of water per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Pecilomycin RM116 wireworms. Soil pest control: larvae and adults of the May beetle, wireworm, mole cricket, etc.
100-150 g / 1 weave is applied by spreading
top dressing Organic fertilizer "TOR" Main application in April
Proportion 1:20
SBT-Ekosoil Stimulation of biological activity
50 g per 20 l of water / 1 weave
root formation Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Soaking the roots of seedlings
Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases
60 g/10 l for 50 pcs. seedlings
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases.
Soaking the roots of seedlings 60 g/10 l for 50 pcs
vegetation Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, phomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tubercularia
40 g/10 l per 100 m2
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of the development of root rot
Treatment in the phase of bud break 60-80 g per 1 weave, with a total water consumption of 30 - 50 l / per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Entolek Aphid. Pest control mites, weevil, aphids, flower beetles, moths, moths, leafworms.
Treatment during bud break
60–80 ml/10 l of water per 100 m2
top dressing YaraTera Calcinit / Calcinitis Use of fertilizers by fertigation
3rd week of vegetation - 15 kg/ha per week
5th week of vegetation - 15 kg/ha per week
SBT-Ekosoil Stimulation of the development of the root system. improved provision of plants with nutrients
80–100 g per 1 hectare
With a total water consumption of 30–50 l/1 hectare
Bloom Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Processing in the budding phase
Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, fomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tuberculariasis
40 g / 10 l per 1 weave
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of late blight, powdery mildew, root rot, gray mold, leaf spot
40 g/10 l per 100 m2
top dressing SBT-Biocomplex Amino Stimulation of plant growth. Improvement of photosynthetic activity
20–30 ml/10 l per 1 hectare
YaraTera Calcinit / Calcinitis Use of fertilizers by fertigation
3rd week of flowering - 15 kg/ha per week
Fruiting Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Prevention of late blight, powdery mildew, root rot, gray rot, leaf spot.
During the ripening of berries (1-2 treatments) at intervals of 7-10 days 40 g / 10 l per 1 weave
After picking berries 40 g / 10 l per 1 hundred square meters
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 During the ripening period of berries (1-2 treatments) at intervals of 7-10 days
40 g/10 l per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Entolek Ticks. Mite control
Treatment of plants during the ripening period of berries (1-2 treatments) at intervals of 7-10 days
80–100 ml / 10 l of water per 1 weave
top dressing YaraTera Calcinit / Calcinitis Use of fertilizers by fertigation
beginning of harvest - 15 kg/ha per week
3rd week of harvest - 15 kg/ha per week
After harvest Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Autumn processing
Reducing the stock of overwintering forms of pathogens
spraying 120 g per 10–15 liters per 1 weave

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