Peat sour riding 250 liters
Species: low decomposition horse, used for growing acid-loving plants (conifers, blueberries, heather, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, etc.)
Acidity: acidic, pH 4.2-4.4, Bulk density: ≤150 kg/m³., Fraction : 0-10 mm, Made in: Russia
Nursery VASKhNiL – official dealer of the Russian Peat Company (RTK) in Siberia. We offer to buy sour peat of riding type from environmentally friendly peat deposits. Compliance with GOST 33162-2014
Peat characteristics
- Mass fraction of moisture: 50-65%
- Ash content: ≤10%
- Electrical conductivity (E, mS/cm): ≤ 0.18
- Wood inclusions: ≤1%
- Mass fraction of cotton grass: ≤0.18%
- Bulk density: ≤150 kg/m3.
- PH: salt suspension 2.5-3.5; Н₂О – 3.0-4.1.
- Compliance: GOST 33162-2014
- Fraction: 0-10 mm
High peat benefits
- Enriches depleted soil with nitrogen, potassium and other useful substances. Gives it looseness.
- Cleanses the soil from bacteria, maintains a healthy microflora, restores after heavy pollution. Serves as a filter for groundwater.
- It passes air well and retains moisture, which contributes to active growth and strengthening of the root system of vegetable crops.
- Thanks to its antiseptic and heat-insulating properties, peat purifies the air of unpleasant odors, absorbs moisture, retains heat, which serves as a preventive measure for diseases in animals and plants.
High peat is used in agro-industrial complexes and in private farms:
- When growing acid-loving plants (conifers, blueberries, heather, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, etc.). To acidify the soil, peat is added in a ratio of 1: 1.
- For the preparation of soils and substrates for various purposes.
- For mulching beds.
- As bedding for animals and birds in livestock and poultry farms.
Application Features
The acidity of the upper soil is very high. It completely lacks microorganisms that decompose organic matter.
To grow plants that prefer neutral soils, it is necessary to reduce the acidity of high-moor peat by adding limestone or dolomite flour, as well as enrich its composition with mineral fertilizers.
You can also buy neutralized peat and ready peat nutrient substrate
Features of high-moor peat
High peat is formed from the remains of plants that decompose due to atmospheric precipitation. The peat bog is formed on flat swamps without the participation of oxygen.
Unlike low-lying and transitional peat riding – more porous, fibrous and loose. It has a reddish color and enlarged particle size. It contains sphagnum mosses, herbaceous plants, shrubs.
Russian Peat Company (RTK)
RTK – holding for the extraction and processing of agropeat. Official representative of the International Society of Peat Bogs in Russia.
- Engaged in the development of new peat deposits.
- Produces and processes peat at its own production facilities using world technologies.
- Creates innovative peat-based products for all types of crops.
- Produces finished peat products.
Resource base of RTK – environmentally friendly deposits, peat deposits in the Smolensk and Sverdlovsk regions.