Raspberry seedlings Maria

Recommended for this product:

OMK Farm for seedlings

Variety: early

Ripening date: June

Fruits: 4.0-7.0 gr., scarlet

Yield: 40 q/ha

Growing conditions: outdoors

Selection: Ukraine (USSR)

Shipping and pickup: бронирование на сентябрь/октябрь 2022
Ripening period Early variety
fruit size Large-fruited varieties
Productivity: high
Selection Ukraine

Maria – An ultra-early raspberry variety of Soviet selection, long known among gardeners, was bred in 1986 by employees of the Krasnokutsk Experimental Station (Ukraine). From the berries of this variety, the very fragrant and healthy "grandmother's" is obtained. jam.

Variety Features

Shrub upright, slightly sprawling, 1.8-2.2 m high. Young crimson shoots are pubescent, olive in color with a wax coating. In the second year, the stems become woody, acquiring a brown color and small, non-aggressive thorns. The foliage is large, slightly wrinkled, pubescent.

Fruits Maria are one-dimensional, large. Average weight 4 grams, maximum – 5-7 gr. Consist of large drupes, tightly linked to each other. Ripe raspberry peel – scarlet, matte. Pulp – juicy, sweet and sour, fragrant.

Variety assignment. Mary's berries are dense, do not crumple and do not flow when harvested. They tolerate transportation, storage well, without losing their appearance and taste. Therefore, the variety is suitable for cultivation, both for personal and commercial purposes.

The yieldof the variety is high, up to 40 centners of raspberries are harvested from one hectare of plantings per season. The timing of the maturation of Mary – early. The crop is harvested during June, in 3-4 visits.

Immunity. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases and pests. For prevention purposes, spring treatment with biological products is recommended.

Growing conditions.

Raspberry Maria is a frost-resistant variety, its bushes winter well under the snow, withstand spring frosts. In addition, the berry calmly tolerates drought, the culture does not need frequent watering. At the same time, "Maria" cannot boast of heat resistance, in the sun the foliage curls, and the fruits dry up.

The variety is recommended for cultivation in penumbra areas of central Russia, Siberia, the Far East, less suitable for cultivation in southern latitudes.

Beware of fakes and contaminated planting material. Buy raspberry seedlings Maria in nurseries and specialized stores.

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