High neutralized peat 11/0-10/0.25
View: neutralized mount
Acidity: neutral, pH 5.5-6.5
Density: ≤170kg/m³
Fraction: 0-10 mm
Production: Russia
Nursery VASKhNiL – official dealer of the Russian Peat Company (RTK) in Siberia. We offer to buy neutralized high-moor peat from environmentally friendly peat deposits in the Smolensk and Sverdlovsk regions.
Peat characteristics
- Mass fraction of moisture: ≤ 65%
- pH of saline suspension: 5.5-6.5
- pH of aqueous suspension: 5.8-6.8
- Conductivity, mS/cm: ≤0.5
- Bulk density (dry): ≤170 gr.
What is neutralized peat?
Neutralized peat is obtained by adding limestone flour to natural high-moor peat with a low degree of decomposition. Thus, they neutralize the increased & nbsp; acidity up to pH 5.5-6.5.
Neutralized peat is used:
- To improve soil structure when growing vegetables, flowers, trees and shrubs, potted plants, etc., which react negatively to increased soil acidity.
- For mulching the soil, sheltering the roots of perennial plantings from freezing.
- As a base for preparing substrates for greenhouses, low-volume technologies, composts, etc.
Application features
Neutralized peat can be used as an independent soil with the addition of a complex of mineral fertilizers. Or use ready-made Peat nutrient substrate from RTK.
The advantages of neutralized high-moor peat
- Enriches depleted soil with nitrogen, potassium and other useful substances.
- It passes air well and retains moisture, which contributes to the active growth and strengthening of the root system of vegetable crops and plants.
- Unlike acidic high-moor peat, it does not need to be limed beforehand.
Russian Peat Company (RTC)
- RTK – holding for the extraction and processing of agropeat. Official representative of the International Society of Peat Bogs in Russia. Engaged in the development of new peat deposits.
- Produces and processes peat at its own production facilities using world technologies.
- Creates innovative peat-based products for all types of crops.
- Produces finished peat products.
Resource base of RTK – environmentally friendly deposits, peat deposits in the Smolensk and Sverdlovsk regions.