Agrotex 42 UV White

A homogeneous non-woven fabric of white color, with a density of 42 g/m². Designed to cover beds with plants using arches, frames of greenhouses and hotbeds.

A homogeneous non-woven fabric in white, with a density of 42 g/m². Designed to cover beds with plants using arches, frames of greenhouses and hotbeds.

Useful properties of agricultural fabric

Protects plants from return and night frosts, temperature changes, cold dews, fogs and other adverse factors.

  • Creates a favorable microclimate with a comfortable temperature for the growth and development of plants. Prevents the formation of condensate under the canvas.
  • Distributes precipitation, ensures constant air circulation.
  • Transmits light (up to 90%).
  • Accelerates fruit ripening (up to 12 days), increases yield.
  • UV stabilizer reduces exposure to harmful UV light and protects plants from sunburn.
  • The increased density of the material makes the fabric more durable, resistant to tears and damage.

Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.


Material "Agrotex 42 UV White" cover: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, strawberries, eggplants, potatoes, sunflowers, flowers, all kinds of seedlings.

Other tasks

In autumn, a garden pond can be covered with material to prevent foliage from entering and rotting at the bottom of the pond.