Seed potatoes Red Scarlett 1st field generation

Category: super-superelite, superelite

Maturity: early

Ripening period: 70-80 days

Mass of marketable tubers: 90-150 gr.

Yield: 164-277 q/ha

Selection: Holland

Growing conditions: Russia, CIS

Shipping and pickup: после 19 сентября
Ripening period Early variety
Selection Netherlands
planting material Potato

Early ripe potato variety "Red Scarlett" bred by HZPC Holland B. V. breeders (Netherlands). Introduced into the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2000, it is recommended for cultivation in Siberia, Central and North-Western parts of Russia. Russian originators took part in the work on zoning the variety.

Variety advantages: fast ripening time, open the possibility of harvesting two crops per season during spring and summer planting; high yield and presentation; long-term storage and resistance to damage; great taste and versatile culinary purpose.

Varie Features

Plant of intermediate type, medium height. The bushes are semi-erect with powerful thickened stems of anthocyanin hue. The leaves are dark green, matte, wavy. Corollas of flowers of a red-violet hue.

Tubersmedium or large size, weight  90-150 gr. They have an extremely attractive presentation:  elongated oval shape,  flat surface, without bumps and ruts, few shallow eyes (1.1-1.3 mm). Mechanical cleaning of such potatoes is very easy, convenient and fast. Peel "Red Scarlet" smooth bright crimson red, hence the prefix Red & nbsp; (Red) in the variety name.

Pulp of root crops – light yellow or yellow, dense. Potatoes belong to the culinary type A-B, they practically do not boil soft during cooking, they are suitable for frying, baking, making chips. Boiled potatoes "Red Scarlett" received a tasting score of 7 points (according to the 9-point scale of VNIIKH).

Starch content – 10-15.6%. Marketability 82-96% of the total yield. Keeping quality 98%. Duration of storage – medium, root crops are not prone to germination within 6 months. Safety factor – 98% without loss of quality. The tubers are resistant to mechanical damage, retain their quality during transportation, washing and packaging.

YieldsField-tested, average yield of 'Red Scarlett' amounted to 164-192 centners per hectare. Maximum – 277 c/ha (received in the Smolensk region). The number of marketable tubers on the bush 9-11. The ripening period is 70-80 days.

Immunity. "Red Scarlett" has high and medium resistance to potato cancer (D1), golden and pale nematode, virus Y, tuber late blight. The variety is weakly resistant to late blight of tops, common scab, Alternaria. In damp, cold climates, the risk of contracting viral diseases increases. Of the pests, potatoes can be chosen by the Colorado potato beetle and the bear.

Planting and care

Due to its high adaptability to various weather and soil conditions, the Red Scarlett potato successfully cultivated in almost all regions of the Russian Federation. But in a milder climate, on fertile soils, the yield of the variety is higher.

Deadlines. Red Scarlett seed potatoes planted mainly in the second half of May, when the soil warms up to at least + 10-12 ° C to a depth of 10-15 cm. In the southern regions, planting dates may shift to the left.

Place. For planting potatoes, choose a flat, open to the sun, well-drained area, after winter, perennial grasses, flax, lupine. Since autumn, the soil at the chosen place is enriched with organic matter (rotted manure, humus, compost). In the spring, before planting, the soil is harrowed.

Planting. The holes are dug in rows at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, between the rows an indent of 50-60 cm is made. The larger the tubers, the greater the indent should be. A handful of wood & nbsp; ash can be added to the bottom of each landing hole. Seed potatoes are lowered to a depth – 10 cm, covered with earth from above.

Hilling – an important component of potato farming. It is carried out twice during the growing season. The first time when young stems reach 12-15 cm. The earth is poured almost to the top leaves in order to protect seedlings from bright sunlight and possible cooling. Second time – when the plants reach a height of 40 cm.

Irrigation. The need for additional watering "Red Scarlett" occurs during dry hot summers: 3-4 waterings during the drought period is enough to maintain productivity. If there were several rainy days during the season, then watering is usually not necessary. After each rain and watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil under the bushes and weed the overgrown weeds.

Feeding. "Red Scarlett" responds favorably to foliar vitamin supplements during the periods of budding and flowering. For this, ready-made mineral complexes for potatoes are suitable, which can be purchased in nurseries and specialized stores.

Planting material. For planting, choose one-sized, even, healthy seeds of classes: super-superelite, superelite, elite, (1-2-3 years). Deformed, cracked, spoiled, moldy and rotten tubers – are rejected. Root crops for planting should be approximately the same size – 40-70 grams.

Beware of counterfeit planting material! Buy Red Scarlett Seed Potatoes in nurseries and specialized stores.


Phase Operation Biopreparations Comment
Pre-plant tillage Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Fight against overwintering forms of pathogens
30-100 g/20 l of water per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Pecilomycin RM116 wireworms. Soil pest control: larvae and adults of the May beetle, wireworm, mole cricket, etc.
100-150 g / 1 weave is applied by spreading
top dressing Organic fertilizer "TOR" Main application in May, proportion 1:15
root formation Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases. Uniform shoots.
Pre-sowing treatment of tubers 30 g/ 5 l per 100 kg of tubers
SBT-Fitolek BS26 Presowing treatment of tubers
Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases
30 g/5 l per 100 kg of tubers
vegetation Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of rhizoctoniosis, phomosis, late blight
Treatment of plants before flowering 30 g / 10 l per 1 weave
SBT-Fitolek BS26 Prevention of rhizoctoniosis, phomosis, late blight
Treatment of plants at a height of 15 - 20 cm.
Pest control SBT-Coloradophage Colorado beetle. Control of pests, larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle
Treatment of plants at a height of 15 - 20 cm.
top dressing SBT-Biocomplex Amino Stimulation of plant growth. Improvement of photosynthetic activity
Treatment of plants at a height of 15-20 cm.
Organic fertilizer "TOR" Top dressing in the soil in June proportion 1:50
Bloom Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of rhizoctoniosis, phomosis, late blight
Treatment of plants during flowering 30 g / 10 l per 1 weave
SBT-Fitolek BS26 Prevention of rhizoctoniosis, phomosis, late blight
Treatment of plants during flowering 30 g / 10 l per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Coloradophage Colorado beetle. Control of pests, larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle.
Treatment of plants during flowering. 30 g / 5 l per 1 hundred square meters
top dressing Organic fertilizer "TOR" Foliar feeding in July proportion 1:50
SBT-Biocomplex Amino Stimulation of plant growth. Improvement of photosynthetic activity
Treatment of plants during flowering 50 ml/10 l per 1 hectare
Fruiting Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Disease control: late blight, early blight
Treatment of plants during the formation of tubers - 30 g / 10 l per 1 weave
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Disease control: late blight, early blight
Treatment of plants during the formation of tubers - 30 g / 10 l per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Entolek Colorado beetle. Control of pests, larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle.
Treatment of plants during the formation of tubers 20 ml / 10 l of water per 1 hectare
top dressing SBT-Biocomplex Amino Stimulation of plant growth. Improvement of photosynthetic activity
Treatment of plants during the formation of tubers 50 ml/10 l per 1 hectare