Seeds of Physalis Pineapple

An annual plant. The early ripe variety got its name due to the aroma, reminiscent of the aroma of pineapple.

Ripening period Early ripe variety

An annual plant. The early ripe variety got its name due to the aroma, reminiscent of the aroma of pineapple. The fruits are miniature. The berries are sweet in taste, the aroma is rich, without a sticky layer on the surface of the fruit, they are well stored. It grows on all types of soils, except for acid ones. The optimal sowing dates for seedlings are April 5-10. Planted in the ground at the same time as tomatoes. Plants do not stepchild: the more shoots, the more fruits. To accelerate the ripening of fruits during their mass formation, the shoots are pinched. Ripe fruits may fall off. They must be regularly removed from plants and collected from the soil. The fruits of strawberry physalis are harvested only when they are ripe. Even frost-damaged berries are suitable for processing.

Fresh fruits are especially useful. According to the content of dry matter, sugars and citric acid, physalis fruits are superior to pepper and eggplant. Suitable for making jam, candied fruits and raisins. Siberian garden