Scorzonera seeds medicinal

Snake, goat, goat, winter asparagus, sweet Spanish root — These are all names for the same plant. For the sweet taste, the root crop is also called black carrots. It really tastes like a cross between carrots, asparagus and cauliflower.

planting material Scorzonera

Scorzonera, black root, goat, sweet root – they are the names of the same plant. Scorzonera – cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant. The root crop is long, conical, dark brown. The mass of the root crop is 60-80 g. The pulp is tender, white. The roots are rich in proteins, fats, sugars, salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins A, B1 and B2. Due to the content of inulin and asparagine, scorzonera is useful in diabetes mellitus. Scorzonera eats a fleshy root vegetable rich in milky juice. It is very easily absorbed by the body, extremely useful and valued as a high-calorie, dietary, tasty product.

Cultivation features: grown by sowing in open ground to a depth of 2-3 cm: in early spring (in April) for harvesting in autumn or autumn before winter