Seeds of Milk thistle spotted variety Panacea

Milk Thistle – this is an original, beautiful, ornamental annual plant that can reach a height of 100-120 cm

planting material milk thistle

Milk Thistle – this is an original, beautiful, ornamental annual plant that can reach a height of 100-120 cm. Shoots are green with white stains. The bush is loose. The average number of baskets per plant is 4-7 or more. Basket diameter 3-6 cm. Purple flowers. Seeds for seedlings are sown a month before planting in the ground, shoots in 10-12 days or immediately in open ground, can be sown before winter. Milk thistle grows quickly: by mid-summer, the plant reaches its maximum size, baskets bloom on the central stems. Seeds ripen unevenly from the end of August, so the collection is carried out at several times. Milk thistle seeds contain essential and fatty oils, flavonoids, vitamin K, alkaloids, saponins, organic acids, protein and other substances, as well as micro and macro elements: potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, copper, etc. Cultivation features: Milk thistle &mdash ; It is a thorny plant, so care must be taken with it. Normal care: loosening the soil around the bush, removing weeds, watering in dry weather, feeding with weak growth.