Lovage Seeds Leader

Winter-hardy, unpretentious plant, not demanding on care, sunlight, heat and soil. Fresh leaves are used as a spice.

planting material lovage

Lubistok is called mountain or perennial celery. Fresh leaves are used as a spice. They are harvested in the first year of the plant's life. From the second year, you can collect the root, the taste of which is more expressive. Currently lovage; one of the best spicy-tasting plants. All its parts are equally fragrant and useful. Lovage contains essential oil, organic acids, sugars, resins, etc. Lovage is of particular importance in dietary nutrition, along with dill and basil. The plant has a diuretic and expectorant effect, improves digestion

Cultivation features: Lovage grows on different soils, but develops more magnificently on breathable, moderately moist and nutritious. It is very winter-hardy, unpretentious, undemanding to care, sunlight, warmth and soil. He even feels better when the lower part of him is in the shade.