Carnation Turkish Indian Carpet

Perennial grown as a biennial. Stems are straight, strong knotted. Flowers numerous, simple.

The weight 0.2
Category flowers Carnation
Flowers by series biennial flower seeds

Perennial grown as a biennial. Stems are straight, strong knotted. The flowers are numerous, simple, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, of various shades, velvety, fragrant in numerous corymbose inflorescences, 8-10 cm in diameter. In the year of sowing, it forms only a rosette of leaves.

Carnation is photophilous, cold and drought resistant. Prefers fertile, non-acidic, loamy garden soil. It does not tolerate waterlogging and, especially, stagnant water. It responds well to top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers. Seeds are sown in open ground in May-June. At a temperature of 15°C shoots appear in 7-14 days. Planted in a permanent place in August.

Used in group plantings, borders, flower beds, rocky hills.