Gloxinia Avanti F1

Indoor tuberous plant. Gorgeous large simple flowers bloom one after another in a lush bouquet from May to September.

Brand Sakata
Category flowers Gloxinia
Flowers by series indoor flower seeds

Indoor tuberous plant. Magnificent large (up to 10-15 cm in diameter) simple flowers bloom one after another in a lush bouquet from May to September. At the same time, from 10 to 30 flowers can show off on a plant. Gloxinia need a light nutrient soil with the addition of charcoal. Requires a lot of diffused light. Feel good on the southeast and west windows. Once every two weeks, gloxinia are fed with complex mineral fertilizers. To prolong the flowering period, it is necessary to remove wilted flowers and old leaves.

Seeds for seedlings are sown from February to March. Dragees are sown on moist soil without covering them. Cover with glass or film and put in a warm and bright place. Shoots appear only in the light, at an air temperature of 22-24 ° C, after 10-14 days. The resulting greenhouse must be ventilated and wiped off the accumulated moisture on the glass or film. Water only through the pan. In the phase of 3 leaves, the plants dive, after a month they are seated in separate pots. They bloom in 9-11 months. In the first year, it is better not to send for winter holidays.

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