Dahlia Dundee

Perennial grown as an annual. The plant is strongly branching, with large inflorescences.

The weight 0.2
Category flowers Dahlia
Flowers by series annual flower seeds

Perennial grown as an annual. The plant is strongly branching, with large inflorescences – baskets (diameter 6-7 cm) of various colors. Dahlia is very thermophilic, loves fertile, moist soils and bright, sunny areas. Timely loosening of the soil is necessary, in hot weather, abundant watering and periodic top dressing with complex mineral or organic fertilizers once every two weeks. In August, feeding is stopped. Dahlias bloom in the first half of July and bloom profusely until frost. Seeds for seedlings are sown in the first half of April. The optimum temperature for seedlings is 18-20°C. Shoots appear in 10-14 days. Plant out outdoors when danger of frost has passed. The most interesting plants can be preserved by digging up the tubers and storing them over the winter at +4-5°C.

Dahlias are planted in flowerbeds, rabatka, massifs, and can also be grown in containers and balcony boxes.