Hydrangea Grandiflora (Grandiflora)

Type: paniculata

Height of the bush: 2.0 m.

Bush diameter: 3.0 m.

Inflorescences: white, pink

Flower period: July-October

Growing conditions: open ground, partial shade

Types of hydrangeas paniculate
Coloring Pink

Grandiflora – a popular variety of panicled hydrangea with large pyramidal inflorescences. It is used in single and group plantings, for decorating garden plots, lawns, as a hedge. In landscape design, hydrangea will look spectacular next to conifers, dwarf trees, tall flowers and herbs, bright spirea, red viburnum.

Pros of the variety: high frost resistance (up to – 40 ° C) and decorative bushes, strong stems, unpretentious care.


Grandiflora bushes are tree-like, branched, fast-growing, reaching 2 meters in height. The crown is spherical, up to 3 meters in diameter. Hydrangea shoots are reddish-brown. The foliage is large, oval, 10-12 cm long. The leaf plate is matte, slightly pubescent.

Inflorescences are pyramidal-paniculate, large – 25-30 cm long. They consist of densely spaced, creamy white flowers that turn pink towards the end of the season. Flowering period: July-September.

Growing conditions

  • The soil is slightly acidic (pH 5.0-5.5), moist, well-drained. Type: black soil, loam. Additives to the composition: humus, peat, some sand, drainage from pebbles to the bottom of the planting pit.
  • Illumination of the area – partial shade, from the fence, walls, crowns of trees. No drafts.
  • Watering is plentiful (15-20 l / bush), in the absence of rain at least 2 times a week.
  • Feeding during the budding period with mineral fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus.
  • Frost resistance up to –30°C. In regions with more severe winters, additional shelter of bushes for the winter, mulch in the form of sawdust, peat is required.