Hydrangea Forever and Ever Red (Forever and Ever Red)

View: large-leaved

Height of the bush: 1.0 m.

Bush width: 0.6-0.9 m.

Flowers: red

Flower period: July-September

Growing conditions: open ground, partial shade

Types of hydrangeas large-leaved
Coloring Red

Forever and Ever Red – a new variety of large-leaved hydrangea from the series "Forever & Ever» with red-crimson inflorescences. Bred in 2005 by American breeders. It is used in landscape design to decorate flower beds, borders, garden plots, and create decorative compositions.

Pros of the variety: large flowers, suitable for containers, unpretentiousness.


The bushes are compact, up to 1 m high, 0.6-0.9 m wide. With burgundy shoots and large glossy leaves. The variety is suitable for growing in open ground and containers.

Forever and Ever large flowers – 3-3.5 cm in diameter, shiny, collected in spherical inflorescences with a diameter of 20-25 cm. The color of the flowers at the beginning of the season is light red, gradually acquiring a rich red and purple hue. Hydrangea blooms from July to September.

Growing conditions

Forever & Ever Red Hydrangea loves open, lit areas in partial shade of buildings or trees, without drafts. It develops well and blooms on light, fertile, drained soils with a slightly acidic pH (5.0-6.0).

The plant loves moisture. Drought adversely affects the intensity of color and the size of the inflorescences. In the absence of rain, watering is carried out 2-3 times a week, avoiding moisture stagnation under the bush.

In spring, hydrangea is fed with mineral complexes: with nitrogen – during a set of green mass; with potassium and phosphorus – during budding.

Sanitary pruning of bushes is carried out every spring; rejuvenating – for 5-6 years.

The frost resistance of Forever and Ever Red hydrangea is limited to –25°C. In regions with severe winters, bushes are additionally covered with coniferous spruce branches or non-woven agrofiber. Near-trunk circles are mulched with fallen leaves or sawdust.