Tomato seedlings (tomatoes) Wolford's Miracle variety

Kind: indeterminate

Maturity: mid-season

Fruits: 270-600 gr., pink

Yield: 12-16 kg/m²

Growing conditions: greenhouse

Selection: USA

Ripening period Mid-season variety
planting material tomatoes
fruit coloration Pink
fruit shape heart-shaped
Place of cultivation protected ground
By type of plant Indeterminate

Author of Walford's Wonder tomato variety is Oklahoma farmer Max Walford. His new hybrid, bred by crossing several dozen types of tomatoes, won the international competition. In 2005, the seeds of "Miracle" were brought to Russia.

Variety advantages: large fruits, stable harvest in greenhouse conditions, high taste.

Characteristics of the variety

Plant of indeterminate type, tall, in greenhouses stretches up to 2 meters. The bush is formed in two stems. The latter are rather weak, without a garter they can break under the weight of the fruit. Each bush forms 8-9 fruit clusters. The first appears after 6-7 sheets. To form large tomatoes, up to five ovaries are left on one brush. The foliage is dark green, sparse, medium in size.

FruitsWalford's Miracle large: weighing 200-700 grams, 6-10 cm in diameter. The shape of tomatoes – heart-shaped. Color  – pink raspberry. Peel – dense. Pulp – meaty, juicy, sweet. Seed chambers are small and few in number.

Purpose of fruits: salad. Tomatoes are consumed mainly fresh, the remains of the crop are processed into sauces, lecho, etc. Also, the variety lends itself well to transportation.

YieldsWolford's Miracle in greenhouses stable, from 1 m² collect 12-16 kg of fruits. The ripening period of the crop is average, the first tomatoes ripen 115-118 days after germination. Fruiting stretches until mid-autumn.

Immunity. The hybrid is resistant to common fungal diseases, in particular, to root rot and powdery mildew. In case of violation of agricultural technology, it can be affected by late blight, gray rot, be attacked by the Colorado potato beetle and aphids. Whitefly won't start.

Growing conditions

American tomato variety "Miracle of Walford" it tolerates diurnal temperature fluctuations well, but return frosts and a sharp cold snap can lead to a halt in the growth of bushes and the formation of ovaries. Therefore, in most of Russia, tomatoes are planted in greenhouses and greenhouses.

For a high yield, the plant needs:

  • Fertile soil enriched with organic matter.
  • Sufficient sunlight. With a lack of natural light, they are illuminated with phytolamps.
  • Timely feeding. Before the appearance of fruits, the soil is fertilized with organic solutions (mullein, bird droppings, compost). During the fruiting period, complexes containing potassium and superphosphate are introduced.
  • Regular abundant watering. Under the bush pour up to 7 liters. warm settled water in the greenhouse – every 3-4 days; in open ground – depending on the amount of precipitation.
  • Staging, starting from the 19-20th day after planting the seedlings in a permanent place.
  • Tie each bunch to the trellis so that the stems do not break under the weight of the fruit.

Seedling selection

Before you buy seedlings of the Walford Miracle tomato variety, inspect it carefully.

A quality healthy seedling:

  • Shrubs – 30-35 cm high, branched. The stem is strong, but not thick (the diameter of a regular pencil).
  • Leaves – few (6-7 pieces), whole, elastic, raised up. No wrinkling, yellowing, brown or black spots.
  • Roots – shaped, moist, undamaged.
  • The color of the seedlings is rich green. Pale, weak stems and leaves indicate a lack of light when growing seedlings.
  • Age for landing at a permanent place – 60-70 days.

Beware of fakes and diseased planting material! Buy "Walford's Miracle" tomato seedlings in nurseries and specialized stores.


Phase Operation Biopreparations Comment
Pre-plant tillage Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Fight against overwintering forms of pathogens
30-100 g/20 l of water per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Pecilomycin RM116 wireworms. Soil pest control: larvae and adults of the May beetle, wireworm, mole cricket, etc.
100-150 g / 1 weave is applied by spreading
top dressing Organic fertilizer "TOR" Main application in March, proportion 1:13
root formation Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Soaking the roots of seedlings before planting - Prevention of the development of fungal diseases. Uniform shoots. Improving the processes of rooting seedlings. Stimulation of the development of the root system.
20 g / 5 l per 100 - 150 pcs. seeds
SBT-Fitolek BS26 Soaking the roots of seedlings before planting - Prevention of the development of fungal diseases. Uniform shoots. Improving the processes of rooting seedlings. Stimulation of the development of the root system.
20 g / 5 l per 100 - 150 pcs. seeds
vegetation Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Prevention of rhizoctoniosis, phomosis, late blight
Treatment of plants at a height of 15 - 20 cm.
Pest control SBT-Entolek Aphid. Pest control, Colorado potato beetle larvae and adults, cutworm larvae, aphids
Treatment of plants at a height of 15 - 20 cm.
SBT-Coloradophage Colorado beetle. Control of pests, larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle
Treatment of plants at a height of 15 - 20 cm.
top dressing SBT-Biocomplex Amino Stimulation of plant growth. Improvement of photosynthetic activity
Treatment of plants at a height of 15-20 cm.
Organic fertilizer "TOR" Top dressing in the soil in June proportion 1:40
Bloom top dressing Organic fertilizer "TOR" Foliar feeding in July proportion 1:38
Fruiting Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Prevention of rhizoctoniosis, phomosis, late blight
Treatment of plants during the formation of fruits (1-2 treatments) 30 g / 10 l per 1 weave
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of rhizoctoniosis, phomosis, late blight
Treatment of plants during the formation of fruits (1-2 treatments) 30 g / 10 l per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Entolek Colorado beetle. Control of pests, larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle.
Treatment of plants during the formation of fruits (1 - 2 treatments) 40 ml / 10 l of water per 2 acres