Bio Root Plus Root Stimulator

General Organics Bio Root Plus is a natural root growth activator that can be used on all types of plants in the rooting and development phase. Can be used when growing in a hydroponic system, substrate or soil.

Brand General Organic
planting material Rowan, Celery, Plum, Currant, Thyme, tomatoes, Dill, Garlic, Spinach, Sorrel, Apple tree, blackberry, Watermelon, Basil, Eggplant, Sweet potato, Grape, Mustard, Pear, Daikon, Melon, Honeysuckle, Cabbage, Potato, Coriander (cilantro), Strawberry, Watercress, Gooseberry, Lemongrass, Onion, Raspberry, Mint, oats, cucumbers, Paprika, Pepper, Parsley, Rape, Radish, Rosemary, Arugula, Beet
Purpose Stimulant
View Liquid
Growing method Substrates, Hydroponics, The soil
Phase vegetation, root formation
Application spraying, Root top dressing
Producing country France

GO Bio Root Plus stimulates the formation of plant roots. The drug — it is a natural activator for the development of a healthy and strong root system. It contains enzymes, humic and organic acids, vitamins. They actively participate in the processes of root formation, strengthen them and optimize the formation.

How to use GO Bio Root Plus:

  • 3-5 ml/l for irrigation of hydroponic mix and soil
  • 3 ml/l foliar spray.