Fertilizer Plagron Coco A+B

Plagron Coco A+B is a highly concentrated two-component mineral fertilizer for growing plants on coco substrate during the period of growth and flowering of plants.

Brand Plagron
planting material Rowan, Thyme, tomatoes, Dill, Garlic, Spinach, Sorrel, Apple tree, blackberry, Watermelon, Basil, Eggplant, Sweet potato, Grape, Mustard, Pear, Daikon, Melon, Honeysuckle, Cabbage, Potato, Coriander (cilantro), Strawberry, Watercress, Gooseberry, Lemongrass, Onion, Raspberry, Mint, oats, cucumbers, Paprika, Pepper, Parsley, Rape, Radish, Rosemary, Arugula, Beet, Celery, Plum, Currant
Purpose Base
View Liquid
Growing method coco substrate
Phase Bloom, vegetation
Application Root top dressing
Producing country Netherlands

Plagon Coco A and Coco B – A highly concentrated mineral based food to be used during the growth and flowering stages of the plant. This formulation is easy to use and contains a balanced blend of nutrients for optimal results.

Benefits Plagron Coco A B

The composition contains easily digestible substances for your plant, including humic and fulvic acids, which stimulate flowering and strengthen the root system. It does not crystallize in the tank.


Cocos A:

  • water
  • calcium nitrate,
  • magnesium nitrate,
  • potassium nitrate,
  • nitrogen-potassium fertilizer (4-0-1)

Coco B:

  • water
  • magnesium sulfate,
  • magnesium nitrate,
  • potassium phosphate,
  • phosphoric acid,
  • fertilizer based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (1-4-2)

Use enough water to keep your daily drainage at 10-25%