Microfertilizer SBT-Biocomplex Cereals

SBT-Biocomplex Cereals — a micronutrient complex designed to provide crops with the most essential amino acids and nutrients.

Brand SibBioTech
View Liquid
Growing method Substrates, The soil
Phase vegetation, Bloom
Application Root top dressing
Producing country Russia

To provide grain crops with the most essential amino acids and nutrients (winter and spring wheat, spring barley, winter barley, oats).

Active ingredient
N — 15 g/l; Mg— 50 g/l; S— 100; In — 2 g/l; Cu — 8.5 g/l; Fe— 3.8 g/l; Mn — 10 g/l; Mo— 0.2 g/l; Zn — 2g/l.

The optimal ratio of trace elements in an easily accessible form (in combination with chelated compounds and a complex of organic acids) allows you to provide the plant with mineral nutrients during critical periods of growth and development.