Honeysuckle saplings grade Ussulga

Fruits: one-dimensional, large, elongated oval

Berry size: 2.8-4.5 gr.

Taste: sweet and sour

Yield: 1.7-2.2 kg per bush

Maturation: average, friendly

planting material Honeysuckle

The bush of the honeysuckle variety «Ussulga» convenient for harvesting: vigorous – 1.9 m high, oval, standard with straight branches.

Ussulgi berries large – 1.7-2.2 gr. The shape is elongated-oval, slightly bumpy, with a strong wax coating. The taste is sweet and sour (4.9 points).

Maturation of honeysuckle is average, friendly. Productivity is high: on average – 2.8 kg per bush, maximum – 4.5 kg.