Blackcurrant Ben Finlay

Seedling age: 2 years

Appearance: black

Ripening period: medium early

Fruits: 1.2 gr., sweet and sour

Yield: high

Zoning: Central and Southern Russia, Siberia, Urals.

Selection: Scotland

Здоровый посадочный материал, выращенный на экологически чистых землях прибрежной зоны Иссык-Куля
Ripening period Mid-early variety
fruit size Large-fruited varieties
Productivity: high
Selection Scotland

Ben Finlay – a new variety of blackcurrant, bred at the James Hutton Institute in Dundee (Scotland). The variety is registered in the EU register.

Ben Finley's currant is highly appreciated by farmers and agricultural holdings that grow the berry on an industrial scale. The variety is unpretentious in care, has excellent immunity, keeping quality and transportability, can be assembled by machine.

Amateur gardeners, on the other hand, consider Ben Finlay fruits to be small, preferring larger and sweeter dessert varieties.

Variety Features

Shrub upright, medium density. Under the weight of the harvest, the shoots bend and diverge to the sides.

Fruitsround, medium size. Mass of berries – up to 1.2 gr. Currant skin is dense – the berry does not crack and does not flow when harvested, it lends itself well to transportation. When ripe, it does not crumble from the bush for up to 2 weeks. Taste – sweet, juicy.

Purpose of the variety: freezing, processing.

Yield is high. During the fruiting period, Ben Finlay's bushes are literally strewn with berries. Maturing terms are medium-early – beginning of July.

Immunityto the bud mite. High stability – powdery mildew and reversion virus, medium – to anthracnose

Growing conditions. In order for the variety to reach its full potential and give maximum yield, the plant needs fertile, light soil.

Beware of crafts and "sick" planting material! Buy Ben Finlay Currant Seedlings in nurseries and specialized stores.