Monterey strawberry seedlings

Type: renovation, VAT

Ripening period: medium early, extended

Fruiting: all year round

Fruits: 30-35 gr., dark red

Yield: 0.5-2 kg/plant

Growing conditions: protected ground

Breeding: USA, California

Shipping and pickup:
Ripening period Mid-early variety, Repair grade
fruit size Large-fruited varieties
Productivity: high
Selection USA

The Monterey remontant strawberry variety was bred in 2001 by scientists at the University of California by crossing the Albion variety and selective selection (cal. 27 & ndash; 85.06). At the same time, the berries of the new variety turned out to be softer and more tender, and the yield is 35% higher than that of the progenitor. In 2009, the Monterey strawberry was patented, entered the Western and then the Russian market.

Variety advantages: delicate taste and aroma, high yield, good keeping quality, year-round fruiting.

Variety features

Plant. Monterey bushes are dense, wide with large, abundant foliage. Therefore, it is recommended to plant strawberry bushes at a sufficient distance from each other (at least 50 cm) so that the plantings do not thicken.

Each plant produces 7-14 peduncles, with large white flowers. Bushes bloom in May.

Fruits are conical in shape with a pointed tip, large. The average weight of berries – 30-35 gr. The skin of ripe strawberries is dark red, elastic, with a glossy sheen. Pulp – dense, sweet, with strawberry aroma. The maximum pronounced commercial qualities and sweetness of strawberries are observed in the second wave of the collection.

Destination Monterey – universal. Strawberries are suitable for fresh consumption, preparation of desserts, processing into preserves, jams, compotes. Berries do not lose their presentation during transportation, do not change their taste and shape when frozen / thawed. Suitable for sale on the fresh market.

The yield of Monterey strawberries is high, from 0.5 to 2 kg of berries are harvested from one bush per season. Fruiting and ripening of fruits takes place from June to October – in 3-4 waves (in the south and in protected ground). In regions with a short summer, strawberries manage to give 2/3 of the possible harvest. The berry simply does not have time to ripen before the autumn cold. Therefore, in the northern latitudes, gardeners prefer to grow Monterey in greenhouses and booths.

Under certain conditions, the variety is able to bear fruit all year round. For example, in a city apartment or a private house. Enterprising strawberry lovers can enjoy delicious berries 12 months a year.

Immunity. Monterey strawberries are resistant to most diseases of berry crops. Susceptible to powdery mildew.

Growing conditions

The Monterey garden strawberry variety is thermophilic, and requires shelter for the winter even in the south. In regions with a harsh climate, strawberries are grown in a greenhouse.

How to choose seedlings

Before you buy Monterey strawberry seedlings, pay attention to their appearance. Healthy seedlings have 4-5 leaves and a developed moist root system without dry broken roots, there are no signs of diseases and pests.

Beware of fakes and contaminated planting material, purchase Monterey strawberry seedlings from professional nurseries and specialized stores.