Pear Forest Beauty

Variety: self-fertile, long-term

Fruits: up to 180 gr., red-yellow

Maturation: early

Yield: 40 kg/tree, 160 q/ha

Growing conditions: all regions

Selection: Belgium

Здоровый посадочный материал, выращенный на экологически чистых землях прибрежной зоны Иссык-Куля

Forest Beauty – winter-hardy, long-term pear variety of early ripening, popular among Russian gardeners. Bred by Belgian breeders.

Advantages: high annual yield, drought and frost resistance, undemanding to the soil.

Characteristics of the variety

Treemedium-sized, up to 5 m in height with a wide-pyramidal dense crown. Hanging branches, strong. The foliage is medium in size with small denticles along the edges of the plate. The flowers are pink, formed on 3-4-year-old shoots.

Fruitsoval-elongated, weighing 150-180 gr. Peel – thin, slightly rough, yellow with a red blush. Pulp – creamy, juicy. The taste of the pear is sweet, oily with sourness.

Productivity – high. Up to 20 kg of fruits are harvested from young trees. From mature trees – up to 40 kg or 160 q/ha. The terms of maturation of the "Forest Beauty" early – August - early September. Depending on the climatic zone, they may shift.

Variety Assignment– universal. "Forest Beauty" can be consumed fresh, make preparations for the winter.

Immunityto diseases and pests is good. With negative factors, it can be affected by scab, powdery mildew and rot. Of the pests, aphids, psyllids, fruit mites are dangerous. Recommended spring preventive treatments and regular inspection of trees during the summer.

Growing conditions. Forest beauty belongs to winter-hardy varieties and is able to tolerate frosts up to – 45 ° C. Pear flowers tolerate frost well. Therefore, the culture is recommended for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation, including areas of risky farming in the North-West of Russia, Siberia, the Far East, etc.

For maximum yields, we recommend replanting flowering varieties at the same time as Forest Beauty for cross-pollination.

Beware of crafts and "sick" planting material! Buy pear seedlings «Forest Beauty» in nurseries and specialized stores.