Pear Kirghiz Winter

Variety: frost-resistant, large-fruited

Fruits: 200 gr., yellow

Maturation: late, late September - October

Yield: up to 50 kg/tree

Regions: all regions

Selection: Kyrgyzstan

Здоровый посадочный материал, выращенный на экологически чистых землях прибрежной зоны Иссык-Куля
Selection Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyz winter – a variety of frost-resistant late-ripening pear, bred specifically for growing in adverse climatic conditions as a result of crossing varieties "Forest Beauty"; and «Bere winter».

Variety advantages: large marketable fruits, strong immunity, transportability, winter hardiness.

Characteristics of the variety

Tree medium vigor with a dense pyramidal crown, which lends itself to planar formation. The ovaries are formed mainly in the annelids.

Fruits egg-shaped, resembling a lemon, large. The average weight of one pear is 150-200 gr. The peel of ripe fruits is golden yellow with a carmine blush, Pulp – white, juicy, coarse-grained. Taste – sweet with sourness. Tasting assessment – 4 points out of 5.

Variety Assignment – universal: fresh consumption, sale, preparation of blanks and desserts. The shelf life of ripe fruits is up to 2 months in a cool place – cellar, refrigerator.

Productivity «Kyrgyz Winter» high. Up to 50 kg of pears are harvested from one tree per season. In industrial cultivation – 500-600 q/ha. Late ripening dates: end of September – beginning of October.

Immuneto scab, powdery mildew, bacterial canker and thermal burns. Recommended spring preventive treatments and regular inspection of trees during the summer.

Growing conditions. Winter hardiness of pear "Kyrgyz winter" high, so the variety is suitable for cultivation in almost all regions of the Russian Federation. In areas of risky agriculture, such as the North-West of Russia, the Urals and Siberia, it is necessary to plant trees no earlier than mid-May and mulch them for the winter.

For full fruiting «Kyrgyz winter» needs to be adjacent to trees with similar flowering periods, for example, varieties of Talgar beauty, Emerald, Golden, Raisin of Crimea.

Beware of crafts and "sick" planting material! Buy pear seedlings "Kyrgyz Winter" in nurseries and specialized stores.