Blueberry North Country (North Country)

Ripening period: medium, August

Fruits: 1.5 gr., blue

Growing conditions: outdoors

Yield: from 2 kg/plant

Selection: USA

Shipping and pickup: 2022
Ripening period Mid-early variety
fruit size Large-fruited varieties
Productivity: high
Selection USA

North Country blueberries were bred by American breeders for cultivation on an industrial scale. In the north of the United States, one can find numerous plantations planted with this variety, while in Russia blueberries have found recognition only among amateur gardeners. Perhaps, as the popularity of the culture among the mass consumer grows, Russian farmers will also pay attention to this variety that is promising for business.

Variety advantages:

  • high yield;
  • frost resistance;
  • good immunity and adaptability;
  • transportability.

Variety Features

Plantshort, up to 80 cm, erect, with a fibrous root system. The shoots are strong, do not bend under the weight of the fruit. The foliage is long (up to 8 cm), rigid, shaped like a flattened oval. Bright green leaves turn red in autumn.

Fruits Nord Country rounded, medium size, 10-11 mm in diameter. The skin of ripe berries is dark blue with a wax coating, strong. Pulp – thick, sweet. When ripe, blueberries do not fall off.

Assignment of the – universal. The fruits are consumed fresh, they make delicious desserts, jams, compotes.

Due to the good keeping quality of the berries and resistance to transportation, the variety is grown for sale.

Yield and maturity. The North Country bears abundantly. For a season, from one bush they collect from 2 kg of berries. Ripening terms – medium. The first ripe blueberries can be tasted already in July, but the main harvest is in August.

Immunity. Despite the fact that the variety is resistant to most infectious and fungal diseases, spring preventive treatment with biological products and insect repellents will not harm it. But it is better not to use chemical compositions at all. An ordinary net will help protect the berry from biting birds during the fruiting period.

Growing conditions. North Country blueberries are frost-resistant, withstand temperatures of –40°C. It successfully grows, bears fruit and winters in the open air even in the northern regions of the country. In case of a snowy winter, it is enough to mulch the near-stem area with sawdust to protect the root system from freezing.

In order for blueberries to develop well and bear fruit, it is important to choose the right soil. The soil should be acidic (pH 3.5-5.0), light and nutritious (preferably with peat).

Variety Nord Country – self-infertile, i.e. needs cross-pollination. To get a crop, you need to plant 1-2 blueberry bushes nearby, blooming at the same time.

Selection of seedlings

Before you buy blueberry seedlings from North Country, pay attention to the quality of the planting material.

  • The age of suitable seedlings is 2-3 years,
  • The root system – developed, moist, without breaks. Preferably closed type (with a clod of earth).
  • The shoots are "alive", without dryness, damage and signs of disease.

Beware of fakes and contaminated planting material, buy blueberry seedlings «Nord Country» in professional nurseries and specialized stores.

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