Red Free apple tree

Variety: early maturing

Fruits: 120-150 gr., red.

Ripening period: late summer, 2nd half of September

Yield: up to 50 kg/tree

Zoning: Central Russia, North Caucasus

Selection: USA

Здоровый посадочный материал, выращенный на экологически чистых землях прибрежной зоны Иссык-Куля
Selection USA

Red Free Apple Tree – late summer productive variety of North American selection. Bred as a result of crossing a domestic apple tree with a hybrid 821.

Variety advantages: regular fruiting and high yield, scab immunity, high taste.

Characteristics of the variety

Treeof medium height, up to 4 m in height, with a sprawling crown of irregular round shape. The foliage is dark green, medium-sized with a glossy surface.

Fruits of even rounded shape, weighing 120-150 grams. Peel – smooth, medium density, the surface is covered with a dark red, striped blush. Pulp – tender, juicy. Taste – sweet, with caramel aftertaste and aroma. Tasting assessment – 4.7 points out of 5.

Variety assignment: universal – fresh consumption, cooking, preparations.

Productivity An apple tree begins to bear fruit steadily from 3-4 years of growth. Every year, 40-50 kg of fruits are harvested from the tree. The active period is 7-8 years, after which the yield may gradually decrease. The terms of ripening and harvesting "Red Free" late – September

Immunity – to the scab. The variety is prone to powdery mildew.

Growing conditions. The Red Free apple tree has an average level of frost and drought resistance. The variety feels most comfortable in the climate of the North Caucasus, central Russia, Belarus. In areas with severe and little snowy winters in late autumn, it is necessary to additionally insulate the near-stem area and the lower part of the apple trees. And in the southern regions, it is important to carry out timely abundant watering of trees.

Red Free Pollen has a very low viability. To get full yields next to the apple tree, it is necessary to plant trees of other varieties. For example, Prima, James Grieve, Teremok.

Beware of crafts and "sick" planting material! Buy "Red Free" apple tree seedlings in nurseries and specialized stores.