Pak choy (bok choy) seeds for microgreens

Growing: 5-7 days

Taste: spicy spicy

Use: fresh, as a decoration for culinary dishes

Benefits: improvement of blood composition and gastrointestinal function, healing of wounds, inflammation

microgreen seeds microgreen seeds

Microgreen bok choy has a spicy taste with a slight spiciness. It is used in cooking as an additive to salads, decorating dishes.

The shoots of radish are harvested on the 5-7th day when they reach a height of 3-7 cm.

Soy microgreen contains:

  • Vitamins: A, B9, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, C, K, PP.
  • Macro and microelements: iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.
  • Beta-carotene, glucosinolates.

Health Benefits

Pak choi cabbage microgreen has a wound-healing and bactericidal effect, serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis, tumors and inflammation

Daily intake of Pak choi microgreens:

  • increases blood clotting;
  • the elasticity of the vessels will come;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • stimulates the digestive system, cleanses the body of toxins, promotes weight loss
  • improves skin condition, vision;
  • strengthens the nervous system and immunity.

VASKHNiL nursery offers to buy pak-choi (bok-choy) cabbage seeds for germination at an affordable price. We have a large selection of seeds, all the necessary preparations and equipment for self-growing microgreens at home.

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