Mountain pine Pumilio

Species: dwarf

Purpose: landscape design, recreation

Crown: rounded, creeping

Pine needles: rich green

Frost resistance: – 35°C

Regionation: high

Origin: Europe

Mountain Pine Pumilio (Pinus mugo Pumilio) – dwarf coniferous plant, pine family, shaped more like a shrub. It grows in the mountainous regions of Southern and Eastern Europe, the Alps, the Carpathians.

Variety advantages: dwarf size, ability to grow in tubs and pots, frost resistance, unpretentiousness.


Treeshort, compact, 1-1.5 meters high. Annual growth does not exceed 5 cm. Crown – dense, creeping rounded, about 3 m in diameter. Bark – with cracks and dark spots. The branches grow densely, at first upwards, but gradually under the weight of the weight, they fall horizontally to the ground. Root system – powerful, branched, mostly located on the surface of the soil. Pine life expectancy – up to 200 years.

Needles deep green. Needles 3-5 cm long, growing upwards.

Budsconical, 4 cm long. Color – from blue to purple. Appear on the 7th year of planting.

Application. Tiny growth for a pine and a beautiful dense crown have made the subspecies very popular with landscape designers. Pumilio pine can be planted in pots and flowerpots to decorate summer areas, verandas, balconies, roofs. Due to its resistance to dust and gas pollution, pine grows well in urban areas, near roads.

Pinus mugo Pumilio look spectacular as a decoration of Japanese gardens and rock gardens, as well as artificial reservoirs, especially in combination with stones. The plant can be planted singly and in groups, combined with flowers and cereals.

In addition, Pumilio pine is known for its medicinal properties. It releases useful phytoncides, disinfects the air, and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Therefore, shrubs can often be found on the territories of medical institutions, sanatoriums, boarding houses, etc.

Immunity. The species is resistant to most viral and fungal diseases. Among the pests, the most dangerous mites and scale insects, which can lead to the death of the plant. In addition, the conifer can be threatened by hermes, mealybug and pine scoop. Regular inspection of shrubs is recommended, if a pest is found – immediate treatment with special preparations.

Growing conditions. Pumilio pine is frost and drought tolerant. This allows you to grow a variety in most Russian regions. In addition, the plant is wind-resistant, unpretentious in care, does not need regular watering, and can grow in ecologically unfavorable areas.

Beware of fakes and infected planting material, buy Pumilio pine seedlings in specialized nurseries.