Rocky Juniper Blue Arrow

Crown: columnar

Pine needles: light blue

Frost resistance: high, up to – 40°C

Zoning: III-IX climatic zones

Origin: North America

Juniper Blue Arrow – rocky ornamental shrub of the cypress family, native to North America. It is famous for its original elongated-pointed shape and blue-blue color of the needles, which fully justify its name – "Blue Arrow".

Variety advantages: high decorative effect, unique appearance, resistance to severe frosts, does not need frequent pruning, suitable for the urban environment.

Appearance. Tall shrub, 2.5-5 m in height, more like a tree. Crown – narrow (up to 50 cm in diameter), columnar shape with a pointed apex. Annual growth – 15-20 cm high, 5 cm – in width. Shtamb – short. The branches are rigid, tightly pressed to the trunk, grow almost from the ground itself. The root system of the surface type, intensively branches. Needles – scaly, soft, rare blue-blue color with a silvery tint. Cones – bright blue with a bluish bloom.

The lifespan of juniper – 200 years.

Important! The berries are poisonous, inedible and serve only as a decorative element of the shrub.

Destination. Thanks to the unusual shape and color of the juniper "Blue Arrow" became a star of landscape design. Tall, slender, like cypresses, blue-blue trees become a real decoration of any garden, park, garden plot. The plant looks spectacular both as a tapeworm, a center or a bright accent of a landscape composition, and in group plantings. With the help of shrubs, you can create impressive alleys and hedges, decorate the front entrance to the house, rockeries, rock gardens, arrange recreation areas – gazebos, benches, terraces, etc. Blue Arrow is in harmony with other conifers, such as thujas and firs.

Healing properties: Juniper produces phytoncides that purify the air, fight viruses and infections, and prevent their reproduction. Therefore, the proximity of the ephedra has a positive effect on human health, the functioning of the immune system. The plant is recommended to be planted in the territories of hospitals, sanatoriums, dispensaries, medical rehabilitation institutions, as well as in recreational urban areas – parks, squares, etc.

Growing conditions. Blue Arrow Juniper does not require professional and thorough care. The shrub is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, grows even on rocky terrain, resistant to frost up to & nbsp; – 40°C, strong winds, does not break under the weight of snow. In the open air, it can be grown in almost any climatic zone, except for the Far North.

Beware of fakes and infected planting material, buy Blue Arrow juniper seedlings in specialized nurseries.