Neutralized peat, agroperlite 20%

View: neutralized with agroperlite

Agroperlite: 20%

Acidity: neutral, pH 5.5-6.5

Humidity: 50-65%

Fraction: 0-10 mm

Production: Russia

Nursery VASKhNiL – official dealer of the Russian Peat Company (RTC) in Siberia. We offer to buy neutralized peat with a 20% addition of agroperlite.

Neutralized peat

Neutralized peat is obtained by adding limestone flour to natural high-moor peat with a low degree of decomposition. Thus, they neutralize the increased & nbsp; acidity up to pH 5.5-6.5.

And also:

  • Enriches depleted soil with nitrogen, potassium and other useful substances.
  • It passes air well and retains moisture, which contributes to the active growth and strengthening of the root system of vegetable crops and plants.
  • Unlike acidic high-moor peat, it does not need to be limed beforehand.

What is agroperlite?

Agroperlite – it is a natural material that gardeners and farmers actively use as a mineral additive to fertilizers. Agroperlite fine (from 0.2 to 4 mm) fraction of perlite – rock of volcanic origin, with great nutritional value.

It contains potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and other elements. In addition, perlite has valuable properties: flowability, lightness, neutral acidity (pH   7.0), biological stability (does not decompose), moisture absorption up to 400% of its own weight.

Advantages of agroperlite

Improves soil structure. The soil becomes more loose, breathable, does not turn sour.

Protects plant roots. The low thermal conductivity of perlite protects the root system from overheating or hypothermia.

Increases disease resistance. Seedlings and plants growing in soils mixed with perlite are less likely to be affected by bacterial diseases and fungus.

Reduces the frequency of watering. Agroperlite absorbs water in large volume and gradually releases it to the soil, keeping it moist for a long time. Suitable as drainage for potted plants (a large fraction is poured onto the bottom of the pot).

Inhibits the growth of mosses and algaeon the soil surface. The beds are mulched with agroperlite and the surface of the soil in pots with seedlings is covered.

Suitable for hydroponics. When growing crops only on a nutrient solution, agroperlite is used as a base.

Ensures long-term storage of planting material. Tubers, bulbs and rhizomes are sprinkled with agroperlite. So they will not begin to germinate ahead of time.

Russian Peat Company (RTK)

  • RTK – holding for the extraction and processing of agropeat. Official representative of the International Society of Peat Bogs in Russia. Engaged in the development of new peat deposits.
  • Produces and processes peat at its own production facilities using world technologies.
  • Creates innovative peat-based products for all types of crops.
  • Produces finished peat products.

Resource base of RTK – environmentally friendly deposits, peat deposits in the Smolensk and Sverdlovsk regions.

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