Lawn Stadium

Purpose: construction of stadiums, hippodromes, etc.

Features: elastic cover

Ingredients: red fescue, perennial ryegrass, bluegrass

Production: Russia, Novosibirsk

A mixture of lawn grasses "Stadium" designed for sports facilities: stadiums, football fields, hippodromes, etc. It gives an elastic, resilient coating, on which it is convenient to play games, compete, and perform various exercises.

Cover Benefits:

  • Allows you to perform technical tricks.
  • Provides maximum safety and protection against injury.
  • Resistant to damage, retains integrity for a long time
  • Domestic varieties of herbs included in the mixture are adapted to the Russian climate and soil type.

Composition of the mixture:

  • Red fescue – 40%
  • Poa meadow – 40%
  • Ryegrass perennial – 20%

Sowing recommendation: 3-4 kg of seeds per 100 m².