Lawn Landscape

Destination: city lawn

Features: uniform coverage

Ingredients: red fescue, perennial ryegrass

Production: Russia, Novosibirsk

A mixture of lawn grasses «Landscape» creates an aesthetic herbaceous cover with a uniform texture and uniform color. Effectively emphasizes architectural structures, beautifully frames flower beds and flower beds.

Cover Benefits:

  • Grass grows evenly, incl. and after mowing. After mowing, it grows perfectly and evenly.
  • Resistant to heavy loads, quickly recovers. You can walk on it.
  • Domestic varieties of herbs and flowers are adapted to the Russian climate and soil type.

Composition of the mixture:

  • Red fescue – 80% 
  • Ryegrass perennial – 20% 

Sowing recommendation: 3-4 kg of seeds per 100 m².