lawn wild lawn

Purpose: improvement of city lawns, banks of water bodies, ditches.

Features: natural environment effect

Ingredients: meadow fescue, meadow timothy grass, clover, perennial ryegrass

Production: Russia, Novosibirsk

A mixture of lawn grasses «Wild Lawn» – creates a natural green cover with meadow and flowering grasses, perennial flowers, red clover.

The mixture is suitable for beautifying banks around water bodies, areas along ditches and fences, and areas for walking pets.

Cover Benefits:

  • Can do without care, mowing is carried out once – after flowering.
  • Grows well in areas with uneven lighting throughout the day.
  • Domestic varieties of herbs and flowers are adapted to the Russian climate and soil type.

Composition of the mixture:

  • Meadow fescue – 40%
  • Timofeevka Meadow – 40%
  • Red clover – 10%
  • Ryegrass perennial – 10%

Sowing recommendation: 3-4 kg of seeds per 100 m².