
View: fortified juice

Raw material: shoots (microgreens) of wheat

Obtaining method: cold pressing

Purpose: healthy lifestyle, disease prevention

Manufacturer: Russia

Wheatgrass — fortified, healthy drink made from wheat microgreens. Natural juice is obtained by cold pressing of shoots, without heat treatment and reinforcing additives. Thus, they preserve the beneficial properties inherent in the plant as much as possible.

Taste – pleasant, sweetish, with an aftertaste of fresh grass.

Today, Wheatgrass from a product that was previously consumed only by stars, has become a popular and popular drink for everyone who adheres to a healthy lifestyle, prefers natural sources of vitamins and minerals.

Wheatgrass Composition

According to research, wheatgrass juice contains an unprecedented amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, fiber, more than 80 digestive enzymes, 17 amino acids, of which 8 – essential, 70% chlorophyll.

Also the drink is rich:

  • Vitamins B1, B6, B12, E, A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 B8, B12, C, E, K, PP, beta-carotene, folic acid.
  • Macro and microelements: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, selenium, sulfur, phosphorus, choline, zinc, iodine.
  • Amino acids, including essential compounds such as BCAAs: leucine, isoleucine, valine.
  • Antioxidants, etc.

This is interesting! Wheat juice contains 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and grapefruits, 6 times more carotene than spinach, and 10 times more calcium than cottage cheese .

Useful properties of Wheatgrass

Juice from wheat shoots qualitatively changes the indicators of human health.

When used regularly:

  • The composition of lymph and blood will improve, the level of hemoglobin rises, the symptoms of anemia weaken, cholesterol decreases.
  • The work of the digestive and endocrine systems is getting better, excess weight is lost.
  • Toxins and toxins are removed from the body.
  • Cells are saturated with oxygen, aging processes slow down.
  • Immunity, endurance, efficiency increase, concentration of attention increases.
  • The body recovers faster after physical and mental stress.
  • Mood and well-being improve, drowsiness and symptoms of chronic fatigue disappear.
  • Hair, nails, teeth are strengthened, skin diseases disappear, including eczema and psoriasis.

Important! Wheatgrass is approved for people with gluten sensitivity. Unlike mature wheat, the green sprouts from which the juice is made do not contain gluten.

Methods of use

"Whitgrass" added to the daily diet, both as an independent drink and as part of & nbsp; fortified fruit and vegetable smoothies.

 Juice is consumed diluted in the morning, 15 minutes before meals. In the evening – 2 hours before bedtime.


  • Prevention and strengthening of immunity in the run-up to and during the period of colds – 30 ml (shot) per day.
  • Increased physical and mental stress, the first signs of a cold – 60 ml (2 shots) per day, morning and evening.
  • Treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, chronic fatigue, recovery after stroke, operations, viral diseases – 60-90 ml (2-3 servings) per day.

Reception courses: 7, 14, 21 or 30 days. Feeling better.

Attention! Overdose of concentrated juice can lead to nausea and dizziness, so it is important to follow the recommendations for use. Do not exceed the daily and single dose.


Before using Wheatgrass, be sure to consult your doctor if you have:

  • severe diabetes,
  • gastric ulcer,
  • duodenal disease,
  • one of the varieties of gastritis,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • allergy.

If side effects, individual intolerance to the drink, appear, you should completely stop using it.

Storage conditions

"Whitgrass" stored in the freezer. Juice is defrosted immediately before drinking. Drink no later than 10 minutes after defrosting and breeding. Shelf life – 6 months without refreezing.