Microgreens in Pskov

products found:
Sprouter for children "Space Garden"
Price for 1 piece
950 pre-order
Home Miracle-bed "Health Treasure"
Price for 1 piece
Sprouter "My microgreens"
Price for 1 piece
899 pre-order
Triticale seeds for sprouting
250 г
1 kg
Sprouter 2x-modular "Zdorovya KLAD X2"
Price for 1 piece
2 550 pre-order
Germinator "Health KLAD X1"
Price for 1 piece
Germinator for sprouts "Zdorovya KLAD"
Price for 1 piece
Sprouter 4-module "Zdorovya KLAD X4" Graphite
Price for 1 piece
3 350 pre-order
Sprouter 2-module "Zdorovya KLAD X2" Graphite
Price for 1 piece
2 550 pre-order
Germinator universal "Zdorovya KLAD"
Price for 1 piece
Sprouter cover-sieve "Zdorovya KLAD"
Price for 1 piece
250 pre-order
Double Miracle Bed "Health Treasure"
Price for 1 piece
2 100 pre-order

The popularity of microgreens among fans of a healthy lifestyle is steadily growing. It is actively used by chefs of restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments around the world to prepare salads, soups, cocktails, smoothies, to decorate dishes, etc.

People who want to have an inexhaustible source of natural vitamins and minerals all year round are interested in self-growing microgreens at home and in greenhouse conditions.

On the benefits of microgreens

Microgreen – in essence, young shoots of plants that are used for food.  At the same time, it has all the properties that adult "relatives" have. from the garden,  contains the same set of useful substances, only in a higher concentration. Namely, large doses of vitamins E, K, C, A, minerals, antioxidants, carotenoids.

So US scientists have proven that the use of cabbage microgreens reduces the level of bad cholesterol, and hemp microgreens contain a unique substance  «edestin», which contributes  increase immunity.

About the benefits of buying microgreens from us

Microgreens from VASKhNiL Nursery – it is fresh organic products for a healthy diet all year round:

  • Our technologies allow us to grow various crops, such as: peas, mustard, daikon, arugula, white cabbage, alfalfa, oats, parsley, wheat, rapeseed, radish, lettuce, beets, dill, lentils, spinach, etc.
  • Our growers meticulously monitor the growing conditions, health and palatability of microgreens to bring you the best products.
  • All products of the Nursery are certified and comply with food safety requirements.

How to order?

You can buy microgreens from us in bulk for restaurants, cafes and retail chains, as well as microgreens seeds</a > for self-cultivation
Would you like to know more or place an order?
Contact us by phone or mail
info@vashnil.ru</ a>
We will answer all your questions, send you a price list and help you place an order.