Chia black microgreen seeds

Growing: 5-7 days

Taste: neutral

Use: fresh consumption, a healthy addition to dishes.

Benefits: Dietary food, general tonic, protein source.

microgreen seeds microgreen seeds

Black chia microgreens have a pleasant neutral taste of fresh herbs. It goes well with any dishes and vitamin cocktails.

Black chia sprouts are grown within 5-7 days. Harvest when they reach a height of 3-5 cm. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

Chia microgreen contains:

  • Vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, PP, K.
  • Macro and microelements: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc.
  • Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, tryptophan, fiber, highly active antioxidants.

Health benefits

Black chia sprouts saturate the body with complete vegetable protein, have dietary properties, and promote weight loss. Indicated for consumption by pregnant and lactating women.

For daily use of chia microgreens:

  • has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, cardiovascular and nervous; hormonal and reproductive systems;
  • stimulates brain activity, normalizes blood pressure, improves memory;
  • removes toxins and toxins, regulates water-salt metabolism;
  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • helps strengthen bone tissue, reduces the risk of osteoporosis;
  • relieves spasms and cramps in the muscles;
  • gives endurance and energizes the body for a long time.

VASKhNiL nursery offers to buy black chia seeds for sprouting at an affordable price. We have a large selection of seeds, all the necessary preparations and equipment for self-growing microgreens at home.

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