Blackcurrant seedlings Orlovsky waltz
Appearance: black
Fruits: medium 2.3 gr., sweet and sour
Fruiting: mid-late term
Yield: 1.3 kg/plant, 8.3 t/ha
Life cycle: perennial
Growing conditions: Western and Eastern Siberia, Middle lane.
Selection: Russia, Orel region
Shipping and pickup: | бронирование на сентябрь/октябрь 2022 года |
Ripening period | Medium late variety |
fruit size | Traditional varieties |
Productivity: | Medium |
Selection | Russia |
planting material | Currant |
The blackcurrant variety Orlovsky Waltz, bred at the Volga-Vyatka Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding, by crossing the Lazy currant; and "Ruffy". In 2008, "Orlovsky Waltz" was included in the State Register with permission to grow in the Volga-Vyatka region and Western Siberia.
Among the main advantages of the variety are: self-fertility, consistently high yield, large berries, frost resistance, relative resistance to major diseases and pests.
Varie Features
The bushes of the "Orlovsky Waltz" vigorous, medium density and sprawling. Young shoots are green, powerful, shiny, pubescent. Over time, they become woody, acquiring a gray tint with a brown top. The leaves are 5-lobed, rough to the touch with small sharp teeth, gray-green. Flowers medium size, pink. Raceme straight short, abundantly covered with berries.
The fruits of the "Orlovsky Waltz" large, medium weight berries – 2.3 gr. The shape of the currant is round, the pulp – fragrant, juicy with an average number of seeds. Taste – dessert, sweet, with sourness characteristic of currants. Tasting score 4.3 points. The skin of the berries is very dense, so the currant does not wrinkle during transportation and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, without losing its beneficial properties.
Variety «Orlovsky waltz» universal purpose. Suitable for growing in commercial and private purposes: sales in the markets of "fresh berries", freezing / thawing, cooking and decorating food and drinks, canning.
Yield. "Orlovsky waltz" – currant medium late extended ripening period. It's time for ripe berries: July-August. The average yield of – 1.3 kg per bush, 8.3 tons per hectare. Currants are well served by mechanized harvesting.
Growing conditions
Blackcurrant Orlovsky waltz is self-fertile, unpretentious, has high frost and drought resistance, increased immunity to a number of fungal diseases.
Climate: According to the results of state tests, the variety is approved for cultivation in southern and northern latitudes. It tolerates cold Siberian winters and tropical summers well.
Soil: Currants are particularly picky about the soil condition, but it will be better to bear fruit on light loamy and sandy soils with low or neutral acidity. Before planting seedlings of the "Orlovsky Waltz" agricultural technicians recommend enriching the land on the site with organic matter, balancing acidic soil with lime.
Light: Blackcurrant bushes love sunny areas, a short shade is acceptable during the day. Otherwise, the fruits may become sour. When choosing a site for currants, pay attention to whether there is a fence or other buildings on the north side. They will play a big role in protecting currants from cold winds. You can also plant bushes in a sunny place near the fence.
Planting: Planting currant "Orlovsky waltz" better to organize in September. So the seedlings will take root in a new place before winter, in winter – harden, and in the spring they will immediately grow. It is important to wrap or cover young plants for the winter, otherwise they may die.
The seedling is released into a hole dug in advance and fertilized with peat or humus, 50 cm deep and in diameter. Sprinkle it with the top layer of soil left when digging the hole. The earth around the trunk is tightly crushed, a bucket of water is poured under the bush. After the water has been absorbed, earth is poured into the hole, leveling its surface with the rest of the site, and mulched. When planting several currant bushes at the same time, a step of 1.5 m is left between them.
Watering: It is enough to water the blackcurrant bushes 1-2 times a week with a bucket of water under the bush. The frequency of watering must be adjusted depending on the condition of the soil and weather conditions. It is important that the ground under the plant is saturated with moisture for the entire length of the roots – 40-50 cm, while moisture stagnation was not formed. To minimize effort, you can organize drip irrigation.
Resistance to diseases: Blackcurrant variety «Orlovsky waltz» resistant to powdery mildew, septoria, anthracnose. More often affected by columnar rust and bud mites.
Selecting planting material
Before you buy Orlovsky Waltz blackcurrant seedlings, pay attention to:
- The state of the root system. It should have 3-5 main healthy and elastic roots – at least 20 cm long, with many small fibrous processes. Without traces of dryness, putrefaction, diseases.
- Appearance of shoots – well-developed stems in the amount of 2-4 pieces, at least 40 cm long. Bark without signs of dryness, cuts, breaks, unnatural spots.
- Age of seedlings. Most of all, 2-3-year-old plants are suitable for planting. They adapt more easily and will grow in a new place.
Beware of fakes and "sick" planting material! Buy currant seedlings «Orlovsky waltz» in nurseries and specialized stores.
Phase | Operation | Biopreparations | Comment |
Pre-plant tillage | Disease treatment | SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | Fight against overwintering forms of pathogens 30-100 g/20 l of water per 1 weave |
Pest control | SBT-Pecilomycin RM116 | wireworms. Soil pest control: larvae and adults of the May beetle, wireworm, mole cricket, etc. 100-150 g / 1 weave is applied by spreading |
top dressing | Organic fertilizer "TOR" | Main application in April Proportion 1:20 |
SBT-Ekosoil | Stimulation of biological activity 50 g per 20 l of water / 1 weave |
root formation | Disease treatment | SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases. Soaking the roots of seedlings 60 g/10 l for 50 pcs |
SBT-Fitolek BS26 | Soaking the roots of seedlings Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases 60 g/10 l for 50 pcs. seedlings |
top dressing | SBT-Biocomplex Amino | Root soaking of seedlings 30 ml/10 l for 50 pcs |
vegetation | Disease treatment | SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | Prevention of the development of root rot Treatment in the phase of bud break 60-80 g per 1 weave, with a total water consumption of 30 - 50 l / per 1 weave |
SBT-Fitolek BS26 | Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, phomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tubercularia 40 g/10 l per 100 m2 |
Pest control | SBT-Entolek | Aphid. Pest control mites, weevil, aphids, flower beetles, moths, moths, leafworms. Treatment during bud break 60–80 ml/10 l of water per 100 m2 |
top dressing | SBT-Ekosoil | Stimulation of the development of the root system. improved provision of plants with nutrients 80–100 g per 1 hectare With a total water consumption of 30–50 l/1 hectare |
Bloom | Disease treatment | SBT-Fitolek BS26 | Processing in the budding phase Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, fomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tuberculariasis 40 g / 10 l per 1 weave |
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | Prevention of late blight, powdery mildew, root rot, gray mold, leaf spot 40 g/10 l per 100 m2 |
top dressing | SBT-Biocomplex Amino | Stimulation of plant growth. Improvement of photosynthetic activity 20–30 ml/10 l per 1 hectare |
Fruiting | Disease treatment | SBT-Fitolek BS26 | Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, phomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tubercularia During the period of fruit formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days 5 days before the start of harvesting 40 g / 10 l per 1 hundred square meters |
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | During the period of berry formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days 60 g/10 l per 1 weave |
Pest control | SBT-Entolek | Ticks. Pest control mites, weevil, aphids, flower beetles, moths, moths, leafworms. Treatment of plants during the formation of berries (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days 80–100 ml / 10 l of water per 1 weaving |
top dressing | SBT-Biocomplex Amino | During the period of berry formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days 20–30 ml/10 l per 1 hectare |
After harvest | Disease treatment | SBT-Trichodermin TH82 | Autumn processing Reducing the stock of overwintering forms of pathogens spraying 120 g per 10–15 liters per 1 weave |