Winter garlic Dungan local

Variety: winter, early maturing

View: arrowhead

Type: sharp

Ripening dates: June

Number of teeth: up to 9 pcs

Origin: Kazakhstan

Growing conditions: horticultural, all regions

Здоровый посадочный материал, выращенный на экологически чистых землях прибрежной зоны Иссык-Куля

Dungan local – arched winter variety of garlic common in the southern regions of Kazakhstan. In 1959, it was included in the State Sortrestr of the Russian Federation with permission to grow in almost all Russian regions.

Variety description

Appearance. Onion – rounded flat shape, large. Weight – from 30 grams and above. Teeth – brown-violet color, wide with pointed tips. One bulb contains up to 9 teeth, 6-7 grams each. each. Taste – spicy, garlic. Aroma – pronounced. External scales – in the amount of 3 pcs., dry, purple.

Flower arrow – high, flexible. At the end of a large number of small air bulbs – up to 135 pcs

Ripening terms. Dungan garlic belongs to early winter varieties, fully formed bulbs are harvested in June.

Growing conditions. Garlic is planted during the winter planting of cloves and air bulbs.

The variety is zoned according to: North-Western, Central, North Caucasian, Northern, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, Middle and Lower Volga, Ural, West and East Siberian, Far Eastern regions.

Beware of fakes and infected planting material, purchase Dungan winter garlic seeds in specialized nurseries.