Blackcurrant seedlings Kapel

Appearance: black

Fruits: medium 1.2-1.4 gr., sweet and sour

Fruiting: mid-season

Yield: 4-6 kg/plant

Life cycle: perennial

Growing conditions: Western and Eastern Siberia, Middle lane, Far East.

Selection: Russia, Gorno-Altaisk

Shipping and pickup: бронирование на сентябрь/октябрь 2022 года
Ripening period Mid-season variety
fruit size Traditional varieties
Productivity: high
Selection Russia
planting material Currant

The blackcurrant cultivar Kapel was bred by the breeders of the NIIS them. M. A. Lisavenko, (Gorno-Altaisk), taking into account the peculiarities of the Siberian climate, is included in the State Register for the West Siberian region.

Currant Kapel is characterized by increased winter and drought resistance, resistance to return frosts, self-fertility, high stable yields, good transportability, versatility of use.

Varie Features

Capel bushes are tall, vigorous, dense. At the same time, they are quite compact, semi-spreading. Shoots are dull, brown, strong, curved, without pubescence. The kidneys are light purple in color, medium in size, fusiform with adjacent scales. The leaves are green, matte, concave, five-lobed with sharp teeth. Fruit raceme straight, short.

The fruits of Capel are one-dimensional, but not very large, the average weight is 1.2-1.4 g. Although individual berries can reach the weight of – 2.1 gr. The shape of the fruit is drop-shaped. The skin is dense, medium thickness, shiny, & nbsp; The pulp is juicy, fragrant, there are few seeds. The taste is sweet and sour. Tasting assessment – 4.6 points.

Among other things, Kapel is resistant to shedding of berries. The separation of the currant from the branch is light, dry. The berry retains its presentation well, is resistant to transportation, therefore it is excellent for growing commercially, selling on "fresh" markets.

Yield. Capel – mid-season currant variety with a long ripening period: 2nd half of July – beginning of August. Gives a high yield of berries. According to state variety trials, on average, 82.4 centners per hectare are harvested, 4-5 kg – from the bush. The main marketable crop is obtained for 2-3 years of planting.

Harvesting. Currants are harvested both with brushes and individual berries, immediately upon ripening. In overripe fruits, the content of vitamin C is sharply reduced.  

Planting and care

Blackcurrant variety «Kapel» was created taking into account adaptation to the conditions of the Siberian region, but subject to elementary agricultural technology, timely feeding and watering, the black "Kapel" will produce a good harvest in almost any climate zone.

Blackcurrant variety «Kapel» boasts:

  • high winter, heat– and drought resistance (it winters well in Siberia, rarely freezes),
  • Rodent and bud mite resistance
  • good adaptation to any fertile soil, except – salted.

Blackcurrant «Kapel» likes:

  • Sunny areas with fertile soils and deep groundwater.
  • Plentiful watering. Young bushes are watered 1-2 buckets / bush (as the soil dries up), during the period of berry set and fruiting, 4-6 buckets are poured under the bush. The soil should be moistened 40-60 cm deep along the entire root system.
  • Feeding with organic fertilizers – 1 time in 3 years, minerals and trace elements (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium) – as signs of insufficiency of fruit formation appear.

"Capel" needs:

  • in protection against aphids – processing with special preparations is carried out in the phase of leaf blooming, and the main diseases of black currant – preventive treatment is carried out before bud break.
  • in timely pruning: sanitary – every spring; rejuvenating – in the spring of the third year of planting, they form a bush of 12-14 shoots, leaving at least 3 branches of each age, but more young ones. DO NOT prune the one-year growth that produces 90% of the crop.

Selecting planting material

Before you buy blackcurrant seedlings "Capel", pay attention to:

  • The state of the root system: 3-5 main roots 20 cm long, with developed fibrous roots. No signs of drying, decay, diseases, pests.
  • Appearance of shoots: 1-2 stems 30-40 cm long, without cuts, breaks, dryness, strange spots.
  • Age of seedlings – optimal 2-3 years.

Beware of fakes and "sick" planting material! Buy currant seedlings «Kapel» in nurseries and specialized stores.


Phase Operation Biopreparations Comment
Pre-plant tillage Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Fight against overwintering forms of pathogens
30-100 g/20 l of water per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Pecilomycin RM116 wireworms. Soil pest control: larvae and adults of the May beetle, wireworm, mole cricket, etc.
100-150 g / 1 weave is applied by spreading
top dressing Organic fertilizer "TOR" Main application in April
Proportion 1:20
SBT-Ekosoil Stimulation of biological activity
50 g per 20 l of water / 1 weave
root formation Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases.
Soaking the roots of seedlings 60 g/10 l for 50 pcs
SBT-Fitolek BS26 Soaking the roots of seedlings
Prevention of the development of a wide range of fungal diseases
60 g/10 l for 50 pcs. seedlings
top dressing SBT-Biocomplex Amino Root soaking of seedlings
30 ml/10 l for 50 pcs
vegetation Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of the development of root rot
Treatment in the phase of bud break 60-80 g per 1 weave, with a total water consumption of 30 - 50 l / per 1 weave
SBT-Fitolek BS26 Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, phomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tubercularia
40 g/10 l per 100 m2
Pest control SBT-Entolek Aphid. Pest control mites, weevil, aphids, flower beetles, moths, moths, leafworms.
Treatment during bud break
60–80 ml/10 l of water per 100 m2
top dressing SBT-Ekosoil Stimulation of the development of the root system. improved provision of plants with nutrients
80–100 g per 1 hectare
With a total water consumption of 30–50 l/1 hectare
Bloom Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Processing in the budding phase
Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, fomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tuberculariasis
40 g / 10 l per 1 weave
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Prevention of late blight, powdery mildew, root rot, gray mold, leaf spot
40 g/10 l per 100 m2
top dressing SBT-Biocomplex Amino Stimulation of plant growth. Improvement of photosynthetic activity
20–30 ml/10 l per 1 hectare
Fruiting Disease treatment SBT-Fitolek BS26 Prevention of powdery mildew, alternariosis, anthracnose, phomopsis, gray mold, curliness, septoria, tubercularia
During the period of fruit formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days 5 days before the start of harvesting 40 g / 10 l per 1 hundred square meters
SBT-Trichodermin TH82 During the period of berry formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days
60 g/10 l per 1 weave
Pest control SBT-Entolek Ticks. Pest control mites, weevil, aphids, flower beetles, moths, moths, leafworms.
Treatment of plants during the formation of berries (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days
80–100 ml / 10 l of water per 1 weaving
top dressing SBT-Biocomplex Amino During the period of berry formation (2-3 treatments) at intervals of 10-15 days
20–30 ml/10 l per 1 hectare
After harvest Disease treatment SBT-Trichodermin TH82 Autumn processing
Reducing the stock of overwintering forms of pathogens
spraying 120 g per 10–15 liters per 1 weave