Tomato seeds grade Niagara

Middle­early­in­de­ter­mi­nant­mat­mat­bier­se­le­le­ hynal­form­and­personal­of­the­art­f­d­d­

Ripening period Mid-early variety
fruit coloration Red
fruit shape with spout
Place of cultivation protected ground, open ground
By type of plant Indeterminate

Middle­early­in­de­ter­mi­nant­mat­mat­bier­se­le­le­ hynal­form­and different­personal­human­art­fruits. The plant is compact, with a powerful root system. On each brush – 10-14 tomatoes, weighing up to 120 g. The fruit is elongated-oval with a spout, red in color, has excellent taste. Designed for fresh consumption and all types of processing. They have good keeping quality.

Features of height: Recommended for growing in glass and film greenhouses on vertical supports or trellis. The plant is formed into 1 stem and stepchildren in a timely manner.