Beet seeds grade Fortuna

Mid-season variety.

The root crop is beautiful, rounded. The flesh is dark red. The mass of the root crop is 200-340 g. Taste qualities are good and excellent

Ripening period Mid-season variety

A mid-season variety with a neat leaf rosette. The leaf is oval, dark green. The root crop is beautiful, rounded. The flesh is dark red. The mass of the root crop is 200-340 g. Taste qualities are good and excellent. A rare combination of early maturity and keeping quality. It is recommended for use in cooking, winter storage and cultivation for beam products. Beetroot dishes are recommended to be included in the diet of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, in particular, hypertension, with anemia, severe forms of diabetes.

Features of cultivation. The seeding depth is 2-3 cm. Beets tolerate transplanting well, so the plants selected during thinning can be used for planting. Mass cleaning is carried out in September and completed before the onset of frost.