Cucumber seeds grade Madita F1

Early high-yielding gherkin-type hybrid.

The hybrid is resistant to adverse growth conditions and a complex of major cucumber diseases (downy mildew, powdery mildew, gray rot).

Early high-yielding gherkin-type hybrid. The plant is light, open, easily formed. In each sinus, 1-3 fetuses are laid. The fruits are very uniform, cylindrical, dark green in color, 5-7 cm long, without bitterness. The consistency of the fruit is good, which allows you to get a good salting – delicious crispy pickles. The hybrid is resistant to adverse growth conditions and a complex of major cucumber diseases (downy mildew, powdery mildew, gray rot).

Cultivation features: it is recommended to tie to the trellis and form the plant. It is possible to grow in a greenhouse and open ground.