Seeds of onion fragrant Spicy

Mid-season, winter-hardy variety of perennial onions.

The leaves are flat, fleshy, juicy, have a delicate, slightly garlicky flavor, do not coarsen for a long time

Ripening period Mid-season variety

Perennial, very flexible, high-vitamin and medicinal plant. Cold-resistant and easily adapts to various climatic conditions. New leaves continuously grow, do not turn yellow and remain green until autumn, so cutting is recommended to be done in the summer-autumn period. The leaves are flat, fleshy, juicy, have a delicate, slightly garlicky flavor, do not coarsen for a long time, they contain especially a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Taste and tenderness are preserved until late autumn. The leaves are used not only fresh: they are pickled, salted, dried, added to cold snacks, and various dishes are prepared. It can also be used as an ornamental plant, the flowers have a pleasant delicate smell.

Features of cultivation: sowing seeds in early spring, seeding rate – 1-2 g/m2.

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