Seeds of white cabbage grade Menzania F1

Highly productive mid-late hybrid.

The hybrid is distinguished by good keeping in the vine and transportability, resistant to vascular bacteriosis and Fusarium.

Ripening period Medium late variety

A new highly productive mid-late hybrid. The plant is powerful. The rosette of leaves is horizontal. The head of cabbage is round-flat, covered, whitish in section. The internal structure of the head is dense, crispy. Unlike most standard hybrids for processing, there is no bitterness at all. Outer and inner stump of medium length. Head weight 2.0-3.2 kg (up to 6 kg). The taste is good and excellent. Recommended for fresh use, pickling and short-term storage (5-6 months). The hybrid Menzania F1 is distinguished by good keeping on the vine and transportability, resistant to vascular bacteriosis and Fusarium.

Cultivation features: When planting, the plants are deepened to the 1st true leaf.