Coleus Blume Red Velvet

Fireworks series. Perennial ornamental leafy plant grown as an annual or indoor plant.

Brand Sakata
Category flowers Coleus
Flowers by series annual flower seeds

Fireworks series. Perennial ornamental deciduous plant grown as an annual or houseplant. Super compact series with carved leaf edges. Coloring two-tone (red with a thin cream border). Coleus is thermophilic, does not tolerate shade and excessive moisture - the plant stretches, the leaves lose their color brightness. When sowing seeds, the temperature required for seedlings is 20-22°C. Shoots appear in 14-20 days. Seedlings are planted outdoors in early June, when the threat of frost has passed. During the summer, the plants are fed with a complete mineral fertilizer 2-3 times. When inflorescences appear, they are removed and new, bright rosettes of leaves will appear from the axils of the upper leaves. The plant you like can be dug up before frost and transplanted into a pot.

Coleuses are widely used in landscaping - in flowerbeds, borders, borders. They are especially good in carpet flower beds, containers and on balconies.