Ipomoea Purple Evening Sky

An annual climbing herbaceous fast-growing plant. Leaves are heart-shaped, on long petioles. One of the most beautiful garden vines.

The weight 1
Category flowers Ipomoea
Flowers by series annual flower seeds

An annual climbing herbaceous fast-growing plant. Leaves are heart-shaped, on long petioles. One of the most beautiful garden vines. Flowers funnel-shaped, large, white. Blooms profusely from July to October. Seeds soaked per day in water are sown immediately in open ground in the second half of May or for seedlings at the end of April. Shoots appear in 7-10 days. It is undesirable to sow seeds for seedlings too early, as the plants grow quickly, twisting among themselves, and by the time of planting it can be very difficult to separate. Ipomoea is thermophilic, relatively undemanding to soils. For planting, it is better to choose a sunny, open place on the south or west side of the house or gazebo. During the dry period, plants need watering. Before flowering, you can make 2-3 top dressings with complex mineral fertilizer.

Used for vertical decoration of walls, balconies, terraces, arbors, pergolas, arches and flower beds for various purposes.