Carnation Shabo Rainbow

The Latin name can be translated as "flower of Zeus" or "divine" flower.

The weight 0.2
Category flowers Carnation
Flowers by series annual flower seeds

The Latin name can be translated as "flower of Zeus" or "divine" flower. The plant is a perennial, grown in Siberia as an annual. Forms little branched bushes with bluish-green linear leaves and large, fragrant, 100% double flowers. Carnation is cold-resistant, photophilous, drought-resistant. Prefers light, fertile, non-acidic soils. In dry times, it needs abundant watering. To obtain larger flowers, it is necessary to remove the side buds. In order for the flowering to be more abundant, the plants need to be fed 2-3 times with a complete mineral fertilizer with an interval of 2 weeks. Seeds for seedlings are sown from mid-January to late February. At a temperature of 15°C shoots appear in 7-14 days. Young plants are pinched over the 5th pair of leaves.

Used primarily for cutting, as well as in group planting, borders, flower beds, arrays.

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